"My mistake on 2021 and my resolution in 2022" by @bakinba,10% to @steemalive

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago  (edited)

10% to steemalive .



Its my pleasure to participate on this ongoing contest hosted by @steealive community,and we all know that individually that we have our own mistake which we really need to plan well to correct its,and i guess that is one of purpose of this contest,so that we all should learn from each other mistake and plan ahead in a good way.

I have two basic mistake that i made in this 2021 which i will actually try to correct in the next coming year. This two mistake are: Procrastination and lack of savings.


First of all Procrastination can be seen as the processing of prolonging once plan or decision ahead in the future but mostly at a time will still not accomplish the task at the end.
For example you might pick and article to read but one inner spirit will whisper to you,

STOP! Don’t put this article down! You know what might happen. You might put it down and say: “That’s an interesting title, but I don’t have time to read it now. I’ll get to it later.” But later may never come.

Don’t procrastinate about reading an article on procrastination! Time yourself. Likely you’ll be able to read this article in about five minutes. You will then have completed about 10 percent of this entire magazine! Look at your watch and start timing now. (You’re already 5 percent done!)

Is It Procrastination?

If you put it off​—postpone what you could or should do now—​then you procrastinate. In other words, you put off for tomorrow what you can do now, today. A procrastinator delays action when it is action that is needed.

A supervisor asks an employee for a report; parents ask their child to clean his room; a wife asks her husband to fix the faucet. “I got too busy” or, “I forgot” or, “I didn’t have time” are excuses given for not getting around to it. The reality is, few of us like to do reports or clean rooms or fix plumbing when there are more enjoyable things to do. So we put it off, we delay doing it.

However, did you know that sometimes it is not procrastination when we put off doing something? One businesswoman who receives a request and doesn’t know what to do with it files it in a box labeled “suspend” on her desk. After a few weeks, she reviews these items and finds that half of them need no action. They have solved themselves or are no longer required. If you are uncertain whether to delay or to act, try to determine what will happen if you never do what you’re postponing. Is the outcome likely to be better if you get it done or to be worse?

If we can and should take action now and delaying needed action could cause more problems later, then delaying is procrastination. For example, washing dishes after they’ve sat for some time makes it harder to scrub them clean. Postponing car maintenance can result in costly repairs later. Falling behind in paying a bill can result in heavier charges or the loss of services. One woman calculated that her overdue traffic tickets, videotapes, and library books totaled 46 dollars in late fees! That was for just one month!

Catching the Thief

Understand why you are procrastinating. Take a look at the following reasons, and see if you can identify which one fits a current project you haven’t started or finished:


If I wait until the last minute, I’ll have more motivation to finish it.

I enjoy the excitement I get by doing it at the very last moment.

I’ll wait until the boss reminds me a couple of times, then I’ll know it’s something he really wants done.

I have so much to do that only the crisis things get my attention.


I don’t have the desire or the drive to do the assignment.

I just get to things when I feel up to doing them.

I want to do something else.

I lack self-​discipline.


I’m not sure I can do it.

I don’t have enough time to do it.

It’s too big a project. I need help.

What if I don’t succeed or finish?

I have to get the materials to complete the project.

I’m afraid I’ll be criticized or embarrassed.

Different people procrastinate at different stages. Some procrastinate before starting because they view the project as too big. Others begin, but about halfway through, enthusiasm wanes, and they put off finishing it. Still others get close to completing it but start another project, leaving the first unfinished. (You’re doing fine, by the way. You’re already halfway through this article.)

These are many ways one keep procrastinating a plan still its become so hard to solve or the decision become a fail one before taking.

Procrastination can be seen as the slow poison of one life plan,so its better if each and everyone of us avoid such. There are many ways why procrastination runs into ones mind;

  • Fear of failure
  • lack of self esteem
  • inadequate resources etc..


its true that not every plan we make always yield good result but a sleeping dog don't really know how the current condition of his master environment is without checking first.

So when one remove FEAR in his/her own life believe me you will actually achieve more,so am advising myself to remove fear in life and pursue a better life ahead just as i plan from hence forth,its through that many times we might be over whims by our previous mistake but we should always have the confidence that we will accomplished more.

(02 Timetable

Another best way you can overcome procrastination is by always creating a timetable for your self and try very hard to accomplished your timetable of your schedule plans.
If you are uncertain why you procrastinate, make a log of your activities for a week by half-hour intervals. Determine how you’re spending time. It can be a real eye-​opener to see how much time we spend on relatively unimportant things between important tasks.

#(03 good plans
In order for one to make a good achievement,you need to make a very well detail plan if possible you can write its down somewhere for you to remember its and schedule your time to do the needful.

Lack of saving

This is another bad character and a greet mistake that i have made on this 2021 period,We all know that saving is a greet means that too many individual solve there urgent plan or obstacle or even for business.
saving money require more smart and spend wisely in life.

Saving money require that you have to make a greet turn over as a businessman in order to make greet saving,and that one of the mistake that i have made this year 2021 that is not having another means of income except one and its really did bad thing to me.
There was a saying that says "don't put your egg in one basket,so comes next year i will surely find business or connecton that will make me save in a large way.

All thanks to @steemalive for bringing out our #savetosoar account were each individuals can save his/her steem,that is one of the best way of preserving money/steem.


the best and standard ways of leveling up next year firstly admit your mistake and find solution,you would be surprise with time you will eventually see everything fall in place. All thanks to @steemalive and @focusnow for hosting such greet contest.
Thanks .....

Cc. @focusnow @samuel20 @sammylink @steemblog

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Hello dear @bakinba you have done well in pointing out your mistakes. Procrastination and lack of savings is one major problem i have noticed with so many young people. Am glad you are reading to make ajustments. All the best!

Yes that one of the major problems for most of our youth today,but i believe with God we will overcome such.

Thank you for going through my blog

Lack of saving is a bad habit, it worths changing, nice writing

Thank you for drooping by

Wow! Nice write-up by you, after reading your post I want to talk about lack of saving. This mistake is really affecting so many of us. Not as if we sometimes deliberately refuse to save but at time it's life challenges and unexpected happenings that make us to spend all our monies and not even being a blessed to save up for the future. We will surely overcome this very mistake. Thanks for taking part in the Contest