Contest #2||A day I will never Forget|| by basky14

in hive-167622 •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Hello steemians

Greetings everyone hope you all are doing great? Welcome to my blog once more. I want to share with you guys about my experience in life that i would not forget.

Before i continue i would love to say this! I was once a member of a dreadful cult called Black Axe. Yes i said i was once a cultist, because there is a saying that say when you join cultism that you cannot come out again. But the Bible made me to understand that when you are in christ Jesus that old things are past away am now a new creature in christ.

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It all happened One faithful sunday 24th march 2018 i had plans to go to iguritta in port harcourt from owerri with a friend of mine that i promise to help him to purchase a form for a talent concert. Although i had another motives of going there. We have been to the hotel before where we went for a church crusade so i had a new friend there in the hotel so i promise her that i will come back and see her so i saw that concert thing as an opportunity to see her again.

After service that sunday i went home to see my parents and siblings and took my bath before going. When i came out i didn't have money on me so i have to us the ATM. The First bank ATM in my village was not working i don't know it was a sign for me not to continue the journey but i didn't understand. I and my friend boarded a bus to town so that i can withdraw and continue my journey from there. On getting to a junction called Fire Service in Owerri there was a little hold up because of traffic. I was fully awake but the next thing i saw i fell asleep there, a minute sleep was as if i have slept there for hours. When i raises up my head i was like asking my friend are we still here? He answered me that we were just arriving there. I kept quiet and bow down my head again the same thing happened again, not knowing that it was a sign for me to either stop at that junction or cancel my journey but i kept on going.

Finally i reach the last bus stop i am meant to come down i sighted one of my village brother not knowing the guy had already seen me. When i saw him from afar my spirit told me to change route so i obeyed and followed another street. They used a strange face to doubled cross me. The guy was like my lm my lm i was like guy i don't know you and i don't know what you are saying, the guy was still saying the same thing before i could know it they became tow, from two they started increasing untill i was surrounded with close to six of them. I was in the middle of my rivals and death. In my mind i was saying God am just coming back from church this cannot happen to me.

As everything was going on a girl i know too was among them she came and hug me and ask me where i was going i told her she said ok she left me there. The first guy that approached was saying that my end has come that they are vikings the collected my phone, my wallet the later gave me my wallet. The other guy was loading his gun, i nearly fainted so i summoned courage i pushed one of them and ran away with speed i entered where there was a large crowd incase the shoot i will not be the only one affected. As I was running i was hearing don't shoot don't shoot. To God be the Glory that's was how i escaped death that day because their plan was to kill me but Thank God their plans did not come to pass.


Have you ever wish that the day never existed?
I have ever wished for that day never existed because, i loosed my phone and some files in the phone and till date my foot i have not step my foot in that street.

Do you wish to experience what happened on that day again?

I cannot pray for that experience to happen to me again. You need to see me at that spot i was shaking, the worst part of it is that people were walking and seeing us but they cannot do anything i could not eat cant do anything i was not even talking to anybody. I was alone thinking myself out what if this guys executed their plans i could have been a dead person.

But i thank God it happened because i learnt a lot from it. Not to trust anyone it also helped me to know the kind of brother i have. A brother that kill me because i bought a new phone.

Is there anything that can make you to forget that day?

I don't think there is anything that can make me forget that day because it was very horrible. It is something concerning life and death. Anytime i remember that day i always give God the glory for saving my life.

I invite @assurrance to participate in this contest


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Thank God , you escaped @basky14,i will not like to experience a day like that,but i learnt that we should listen to our inner voice and observe some signs

Your write-up is a good one.
Cultism is not a good path for someone to walk on. I'm happy for you.
Have a good day.