It has not even been easy for me this days; combining my work with homechores and family obligations as a mum is never an easy task, but am so happy i gat something doing, so so happy living a productive life (the life an entrepreneur).
This time i need to take off duty to engage in a different work. Earlier this year during farming season around march, i determined to do farm work despite having many deadlines to reach with my clients on macrame. So i secured a farm land close to my house, prepare the land for cultivation. When am done with land preparation, i invited a labourer to till the land for me making it mounds .
Next is planting. I planted maize, cassava stem and vegetables. But now, weeds is overtaking the farm, outgrowing all the things i planted while the plants are struggling for food.
It is now time to put a stop to that. I invited a labourer , this time for weeding. She cleared every weed, replaced dead crops and supported the surviving ones by fortifying their stem and roots.
Next is adding manure; i usually prefer organic fertilizer. So i got the manure from out poultry farm and applied.
Atlast, my crops can now have more space and food to perform better.