Hello beautiful people,hope your weekend is going well. Thank you for always taking out time to read my post.
So,today I'm here to talk on how my Saturday went.
I woke up by 6:10am,did my house chores and showered before my sister and uncle woke up and I prepared breakfast.
chopping tomatoes for egg
We had egg and bread with tea for breakfast.
Right after eating we got ready to go to the market this was few minutes past eight,we had a lot to buy at the market and also the market is far from our house,so we decided to leave early.
on our way to the market
at the market
We spent hours at the market,when we got back home we prepared vegetable soup and garri,we had that for lunch.
After lunch we saw a movie on Netflix and everyone went in for a nap.
I woke up around 6:40pm and so we fried ourselves some plantain and egg for dinner.
I washed the plates,had my bath,bathed my niece and we went to bed.
Thanks for reading 🙂