It's not a new thing to be heard of that expectant mother's develope a certain level of craving for food and anything edible. This is a point where you see pregnant women crave for strange food ,some crave normal food,while others crave junk food. Am one of these women and I will shard with us my kind of cravings.
To my own understanding I will say cravings is that point in the life of anyone where they demand for a particular kind of food or drink, and will go any extent to get it, most times not minding cost.
This is what happens to most pregnant women. At a certain stage in pregnancy from 16-20 weeks,this is when they begin to develop certain cravings for food. And at this point it's advice that the woman eat whatever she craves for. As some myth would say,that ,that is what the baby want to eat at the moment. And surprisingly enough,if the woman does not eat what she craves for, she would never be at rest.
This is what I have experienced and still experiencing so far. Am among the group of women that carve for normal food, I don't crave for junk and strange foods.
Banga stew with fried plantain and rice
I can eat this all day, I developed a certain kind of craving for Banga stew, so most times I leave my house in the morning to a restaurant close by to get it. All I need is the taste of the stew, a good portion of fried plantain and just a little quantity of rice,and am good to go.
Another kind of food I crave for is okra soup.
Okro soup
Okro is a kind of vegetables, as it's adviced for pregnant women to take vegetables. It's good for them because it has its benefits such as:
- It helps in generating blood
- It helps to deal with indigestion and constipation
- It helps in weight control.
And many more.
The third kind of food I crave for is roasted yam or roasted plantain with either palm oil or tomato sauce.
Roasted plantain with tomato sauce
Food such as:
- Junks and fries
- Cheese
- Pastries
- High carb foods
- Carbonated drinks or Soda
- Alcohol
These and many other kind of foods that should be avoided.
Am glad to have shared with us what cravings is all about and my own kind of craving. It's not something within anyone's control, but at the same time we are careful not to take too much of everything. Like i said it's an awesome experience. Thank you for stopping by.
Best regards