Hello lovelies, welcome once again to my blog,
I will be writing on the acheivement 4 task which is about the various markdown styles in steemit. Hope it entices you😊
We have to look on the meaning of Markdown so we know what it's all about.
Markdown is like a code used in web write-ups, it makes content justified, beautiful and well arranged for easy view
As a Steemian, you ought to know various
Markdown styles to enable you make quality content here are some Markdown styles in steemit that enables you make nice contents.
- Headings
- Lines
- Bold, italics, strikes
- Justified text
- Grey colour writing
- Table
Creating a heading in steemit is simple, you
Simply type # and a space, to make it smaller you will add more #.
Here is an image example
And this will be the preview
Lines seperates your work thereby making it neat and readable, to form a line it takes 4 asteris (****)
In other to acheive this, you will do the following
And this is the preview
You need to justify your work for it to be nice and well arranged, here is a screenshot for you to be able to perform this.
And this is the result
a grey colour writing is sometimes used as subheading and highlighting, to make your words to be in grey colour you apply the following
And here is the outcome
Tables are used to make roasters, ranking, registers, classifying etc and must be used when the need arises, the following symbols must be used to create a table
This will be the result
So everyone these are some markdown styles we ought to be familiar with as a steemian to achieve a nice quality content.
So this is where I will draw the curtain, thank you all for your time, love you all and have a nice day.
Best regards to @cryptokannon