in hive-167622 •  2 years ago  (edited)




Good evening friends on Steemit. I do not have a pet . I have never had one. I do not intend to have anytime soon. However, I. Want to show you a cute one owned by My friend whose name is Nze.

Name of the Pet

The pet is a dog. It is named Taker. It is a local breed popularly called Ekuke. It is a year old. It has a combination of white and grey color.
Taker is friendly. It likes playing with the owner and his family members. It is good at getting familiar with regular visitors to the house. If you visit the house twice or thrice it will become familiar with you and any other time you visit it will come to you swinging it's tail or jumping up to your lapse for you to touch it.

Taker's Age

Taker is a year old. My friend bought it in August 2022 to help watch their house. It cost him #5000.00, ie, 50 Steem. It is very useful. In the day time it is allowed to roam about. Some days it accompanies the family members to their farm. It also follows Nze to the bush for hunting. There was a night it killed a rabbit and hid the body in a bush nearby. Very early the next morning it went out. They called it as it was stepping out but it refused to come back in answer to the call They were surprised. After a while it returned with the rabbit in its mouth. It walked to where it's master use to drop his game when he returns from the bush. He learnt it from it's master.

How Do they Take Care of It?

The owners take good care of Taker. They bathe it 4times a week. It is always neat. They bathe it with the normal soap that human beings bath with.it has it's own basin. It has a Vertinary Doctor that comes to check it up once every month. It's the Doctor that handles everything about it's health
Taker does not eat anything it sees. It has it's own plate. If you try feeding it with another plate it will reject the food. It has it's own drinking bowl. Outsiders does not feed it. It does not have special food. It's fed from the family food. It is difficult to state the price of it's food.


I like pets but I do not like to own one but if I must change my mind in future I will go for a dog.

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All creatures big🐘 and small.🐹

The Lord God made them all.

It walked to where it's master use to drop his game when he returns from the bush. He learnt it from it's master.

Taker is a very wise dog, and has learnt that things have particular places where they should be kept, that's a good one.
I love dogs too.

Would you buy one for yourself?

Sure, when I have a convenient place to keep it.

It also follows Nze to the bush for hunting. There was a night it killed a rabbit and hid the body in a bush nearby. Very early the next morning it went out. They called it as it was stepping out but it refused to come back in answer to the call They were surprised. After a while it returned with the rabbit in its mouth. It walked to where it's master use to drop his game when he returns from the bush. He learnt it from it's master.

Wow, Taker is actually very useful and will help it's master's hunting business grow. Dogs are known for having very sensitive nose and can detect the smell of another animal.

Taker took the rabbit to where its master usually drops his game
Taker must be very wise

You know what when Nze saw what happened he summoned his last son a directed him to clean up the game.bHe said "you people should prepare that bush and cook. You must give Taker his share o"

Why not, taker deserves the head as his share
He's a good servant

Yes oo. A labourer deserves his pay.

You're very right and I'm sure taker will work harder to discharge his duties

It does.

Nice effort. I appreciate the traits of Taker, it would be a very nice dog to keep. I would have loved to see Taker's real images, and not a sources picture. If that would be possible, it would be nice. I will consider getting a do soonest once i secure my property with a fence @chikaeli