The protest for the right by @ didi-dickson

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago  (edited)

The protest for the right


My name is Didi Dickson, I am an African woman, black is the beauty, our complexion is our pride,our husbands and children our our priority, we are cultured, discipline, responsible but our prestige is what we protect with our every being and I'm proud of the woman I'm becoming...

The society and my gender

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The same society we serve has subjected us to some furniture that can always be replaced and our opinion doesn't count, the same people who are supposed to protect are the ones exposing us to danger and denying us justice. We are hiding in fear, we now have to take responsibility for the pains and brutality on us, insecurity has become our daily need. Our daughters are sexually abused, our mothers are mentally abused, emotionally abused and otherwise, we live like prisoners in our homes😭, our voices has been taken from us. Our young innocent daughters are given to marriage prematurely, they are raped and abused but we the mothers are quiet and the Society questions our upbringing 😭💔. It's heart breaking that most women are more like slaves in their husbands houses and that's why when a father brutally abuses his daughter we can't say a thing cause we fear...

We are also balmed

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Even failed marriages is what we take responsibility for, our husbands cheats and we are to be blamed for his adulterous life, he is brutal and our norms is questioned. We have become maids in our homes, our jobs is now to bear children and take care of other house hold activities, we have no voice in our homes, our own identity amhas been taken from us yet the society can't help us regain our respect.
We have been treated wrongly, without us there won't be man in existence, we are humans, we are the mothers and with this I have refused to sit and tolerate this brutality... We need our freedom, the Constitution has given us such why then is the society depriving us from it.

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This is definitely not a fight between us and the society, it's our earnest plea, give us our rights, we need our respect, we are to red of hiding, we want to mingle with the society so we ask for protection, we want to live normal and comfortably, we want to walk on the street fearlessly and confidently..

My courage

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I refuse to allow the attorney of gender inequality subdue me to just a girl who begins and end in the kitchen. I have refused to be like my fellow women who have become so weak to fight for what is right, they have refused to go higher in both academic and knowledge, well I don't just need qualifications all I need is a voice, a voice that will impact and bring light to my fellow women, not just a voice but a voice that will be heard with so much authority

My target

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I will teach my son that virginity once lost can never be regained, I will make him understand that there's no Chronicles that makes the girl child a house keeper, I will teach him to respect women, I will teach my son to dress his bed when he wakes up, I will make him understand house chores is not just for a woman. I will impact him with so much knowledge to understand that hitting and harassing a woman is wrong, I will warn him not to keep late nights and never to mingle with bad friends, I will teach my prince charming to pray and God's fearing... My son will grow with the understanding that every human has same rights and he should never take advantage of any woman's situation talkless of abusing her... I will raise him to be responsible for all his actions and never push blames to the opposite sex when in an argument or any misunderstanding with them...
My son will have to love and protect girls child right and fight against the inferiority towards the opposite sex in the society.

Many person says a girl shouldn't have so much right and some blame them for their misfortune that's why I will not just train a son I will train my daughter too, yes I'll put her through a class where she won't be blamed for the misconception of the world.

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Now as for my daughter, I will not just teach her how to clean and cook, I will teach her how to be a good wife, to stay strong and positive, I will make her understand the importance of self respect.
It is said a woman's respect is like a glass once broken it's shattered which I have to train her to keep her respect intact.
I will teach her to respect and adore her husband, fight for what is right, I will teach her to always try to fix the broken glass, it might not be as smooth as it was before damage but certainly will still contain water.
I will indulge knowledge to make sure no girl child is abused. I will teach her not to go naked in the name of fashion. I will make her understand that healthy food are always covered


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I start with my own son because like it's rightfully said charity begins at home. If I don't teach my son all this things the society will be at great risk and the girl child will be in so much insecurity because of him. Our parents made it worst when they didn't tell our brothers not to hit us, they didn't tell them it's wrong to force a Woman to bed, they never told them it's an abomination to sleep around, they never told them to protect us and our prestige, they failed to tell them we are fragile and should be treated with care that's why the society treats us same. The brutality and abuse didn't begin now it all started from our various homes where our younger brothers had no respect for us but saw us as mere girls that begins and ends in the kitchen with no vision, and dreams to pursue..
As an African woman, I represent the women and I say

I say no to domestic violence
No to sexual harassment
I say no to rape
I'm saying a big no premature marriages
I say no to women inferiority
I say no to gender inequality
And a No to the brutality towards a girls child


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