I promise to make quality posts. In accordance to this promise, I'll be writing on my practicum experience.
My Practicum Experience
My name is Ogbonna chizhim, a practicing psychologist from the University of Port Harcourt (uniport). Am currently undergoing what is termed practicum, by the University.
What is Practicum🤔
Practicum is a supervised field practice, in actual counselling activities in school settings.
During Practicum, a student studying psychology is expected to apply counseling skills, theories and techniques which will judged using the information given by the students in what is called a log book.
In all, supervised field based work in school (practicum) affords students counselors the opportunity to assume major responsibility under supervision, for the management of counselling cases.
I was posted to chivans academy which is located at omuokiri, aluu, rivers state for practicum that'll last for about 6 weeks and this is just my first week.
My Practicum Experience
As a practicing psychologist (counselor) am expected to help students Educationally, vocationally and personal-socially.
- Educationally, talks on helping a student achieve his/her Educationally related problems like improving their study habit, and many more.
Vocationally It talks on helping a student make the right career choices while personal-socially is the aspect of helping the students with their personal and socially related problems.
As I arrived at the school Monday, I was asked to introduce myself in their morning assembly.
During the introduction, I applied on technique of counselling which is Establishment of rapport by speaking on a topic called study habit.
I told them what study habit is, teaching them the three methods of through which individual's learn which are visual learners, Auditory learners and hands on learners.
- Visual learners are those who learn quickly by seeing pictures of what the teacher is teaching, auditory learners learn quickly by hearing whereas hands on learners use practicals for better understanding.
I made them anticipate for my next words, then close the speech by saying ;
If you want to know more, come for counseling.
Seeing the energy in my speech, the school decided to fix me in j.s.s 2 which is the class that needs more guidance than any other class in the school.
At my first meeting with the students, I concluded on the topic I started in their assembly, throwing more lights on the importance of studying and ending it by administering a test to them.
With the test I administered, I was able to figure out the different method they'll use in learning and I also related the results of the test to their teachers go effective learning by the students.
Next week I'll be speaking on self esteem and I'll be hoping on getting more individual clients.
This experience is far more my important experience in the University of Port Harcourt so far because it's doesn't only help the students but also helps me when it comes to facing the crowd.
I'll keep you updated on everything that'll happen throughout my stay at chivans academy.