It was very cold this morning, so I decided to lie down till 9am before I got up from bed. I boiled hot water and took a bath, after which I ate a pretty hot meal(rice). Then, I went out to see my friend if she could take me to the market to buy something. On reaching her place, she wasn't home, so I had to return home and prepared myself to go to the bank, as I had intended to open an account Fidelity bank. It was quite a stressful experience with the large crowd I came to meet. I had to wait long hours till it got to my turn at about 2:30pm,whereas I have been around from 11am
Around 3pm I got back home, took a bath and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Sadly, there was no food in the kitchen. I had emptied the last pot of food in the morning and with my mother absent, there was no one to help me cook while I was out. I had to drink garri and rest a while. In the process, I went through my whasApp chats, read some massages and also checked my Telegram where I got some update and soon logged out.
By 5pm I got back to the kitchen before my mum returned home from her shop and I prepared food. I also made sure to tidy things up. My mum was very happy when she got back to see all I had done. She smiled and said " Good girl, It's like you knew that I was too tired to cook."
It was a stressful day but to God be the glory, it went well. And I'm happy to be here and share to you all how i spent my day so perfect.