Diary game Season 3: Attending a wedding at Hotel De La Paix Aba. Saturday, 8/1/2022.

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago 



Goodevening friends, its time to make another dairy post. Goodevening and welcome to my blog, hope your day went as planned. This is a dairy of my activities for Saturday the 8th day of January 2022. Sit back and enjoy it.


Morning Activities

The morning of this particular weekend was a little a little bit different as I did not wake early. I woke late partly because I didnt not go to bed early. At 5.40am, I woke up and it was late to check my updates. So I went to join the family in our morning worship. We normally take about 45 minutes to discourse some important bible principle for daily living. After the morning worship, I quickly went online.

The first notification I checked were those of the community. Then I went to check those of my personal account. After that, there are many whatsapp notifications to check which I did and responded to some of them. I then went on to participate in my preaching work, a volunteer work where I call friends and encourage them with some bible message. I did that between 8am and 10 am. I closed and started getting ready for a wedding which I was invited as a guest.

I took breakfast around 11am. Then I took my bath got ready and left the house around 112 noon


Afternoon Activities

I got the hotel where the wedding was to take place. I got there around 12.50pm. Some of the guests have arrived too and taken their seats. So I went in and choose a seat where I can see the actions well. But after some time, the Marriage talk speaker who is a very good friend came and asked me to do the chairman for him as the chairman is still not there. I obliged and did it. I started the occassion with the selected song and said a prayer afterwards. Then I invited the speaker. After about 50 minutes, he ended the talk and I rounded up with another song and prayer. The wedding talk and other formalities were ended around 2.50pm. The couple and guests went done for photography ahead of the wedding reception. I captured some shots too.





After the photos were taken. the reception started. Since it was getting late already, the reception chairman made sure no time was further wasted. every of the activities were made snappy and by 4.30pm, the reception ended and I hurried home. Little did i know that it had rained due to the noise in the hall

The wedding invitation


Evening Activities

I boarded a tricycle home. It took about 50 minutes for me to cover the two drops and get home. It had rained and there were little floods here and there. So I got home around 5.45pm. I took my bath and rested a bit. I had my dinner around 7.40pm. Then after resting for around 30 minutes, I did the top 5 community selected posts amd then retired for the day. It was a great day for me. I was happy to attend the planned wedding.

Thank you friend for reading my story. Hope it made sense to you

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Hearty congratulations to the newly married

Wow,am very happy for the couple's,just wishing them a happy family.

Wow, you really had a wonderful day. Hope you eat some chicken and rice at the wedding? Preaching is the work Jehovah has given us to do. Keep it up brother

Boss you really had a great day.

MY boss is enjoying life weldon Bro