Diary game Season 3: Visiting a local business (Dynapharm) and speaking with the manager. 30/08/2022

in hive-167622 •  2 years ago 



Goodmorning friends and welcome to my diary for Tuesday, the 30th day of August 2022. I am happy you came to my page. I really hope that you will enjoy reading my activities for the day mentioned above. Alright, lets get straight into business.


Morning Activities

I love to start each day with God. That means saying my morning prayer and also joining the family for morning worship. I did that on this Tuesday and by 4.30, I have already spent 25 minutes in personal prayer. After that, I have to wait for other family members to raise from their bed. I usually take advantage of the opportunity to look at notifications in the SteemAlive account and my personal account. I did and cleared the notifications. After that, I briefly looked at the community whatsapp groups and I was able to respond to a few messages.

The morning worship started by 5.20am. The scriptural text is from 1 Corinthians 13:11. Look at it below:

Finally, brothers, continue to rejoice, to be readjusted, to be comforted, to think in agreement, to live peaceably; and the God of love and of peace will be with you. Source

The main message of the scripture is to always be readjusted. As imperfect people, we struggle to do the right thing. So each time we deviate from the road that leads to life, we need to work hard to come back and do the right things again - such as to be peaceable with everyone.

After discussing practical ways to apply the scripture above, we said a prayer together as a family and everyone left for their daily tasks. I returned to do the top 4 post. I usually do this early in the morning so that community members will have time to engage well with the selected publications. It took around 50 minutes to get that done. Then, I dropped the link in our various groups and encouraged everyone to engage.

By 8.40am, I prepared and left home. My major plan for the day was to visit the Aba manager of Dynapharm Limited, a company that makes and distributes health supplements. I arrived the office around 9.20am and worked until afternoon. Around 1.10pm, I left the office to find lunch and also visit Dynapharm office as planned.

I passed Goodness $ Mercy Motor Park while going for lunch.


Afternoon Activities

I usually eat plantain and chicken for some afternoons. So on that particular day, I had to settle for my usual. First, I have to go and get roasted plantain from the seller, then the chicken is next. When I arrived at the woman's shop, she has a lot on offer. So I went for the usual unripe plantain. I purchased and went to get the chicken. After that, I proceeded to the Dynapharm office to meet the manager.

Roasted plantain for lunch

I met Mr. Austin, the manager of Dynapharm office at Aba. I arrived on the scheduled time. He gave me audience and we discussed as length. I actually came to see him with regards to enrolling their company into Steem business directory. He was really happy with the idea as it would give the company more market customers. He allowed me to take many pictures of their products that i will use to review their company. I also took a selfie with him, which I used for the thumbnail of this post.

You can see a section of the shelve where Dynapharm products are displayed.

Dynapharm Products on Display

After taking pictures, I told him about the investment aspect and he assured me that their company would like to key into it, but that he will get back to me the following week. We chatted a little more before i left and returned to my office. I had to enjoy my lunch because i was really hungry by that time. It was around 2.30pm.

I rested for 1 hour after the lunch. I resumed work helping to verify posts published in our community SteemALive. I did that for the remaining time until around 4.30pm when I closed. I packed up and left the office by 4.40pm. Ofcourse you know will always drop off at the market to pick some fruits.


Evening Activities

Back at home, I had to freshen up after a really long day. I first rushed to the bathroom and took my bath. After that, I had to rest and enjoy the fruits I bought. I bought banana and other fruits. I also interacted with family members and we had some discussions. While coming back, I bought my ginger and Tumeric tea which helps me to stay healthy You can see it below. So after the fruits, I took a cup of the Ginger tea.

My Ginger and Tumeric tea.

I ate dinner around 8pm and chatted with some friends online. I also did some curation work with the community account and my own account. I slept off around 10.30pm. It was really a long and fulfilled say.

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After taking pictures, I told him about the investment aspect and he assured me that their company would like to key into it, but that he will get back to me the following week

It is good to keep to the time. The manager look kind and am sure the business proposal will go very well.

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Sure. I was supposed to see him before now if not for our recent challenge. But I will definitely try to reach him today so that I will get feedback from his discussion with management. @ijelady. Thank you for rating my work

@focus I enjoy reading your post. Your diary game shows us that one can be extremely busy like you and yet balances his daiy activities so well that none would suffer. I admire you.

@chikaeli. Thank you so much sir for reading my post and your kind words. Its not usually easy when you have a lot to do, but good personal organization and having a schedule has been of great assistance to me. How is your programs going sir?

I think this is a good idea, and l really love it. Keep it up


You really had an awesome day. Starting each day with spiritual thing is very very good. Keep it up.

My neighbor @focusnow now you have rich menu. Your lunch is usually rich. The roasted plantain and chicken appears to be regular. Any other day you bought it for the afternoon please invite me. I will come over to enjoy it with you. There is love in sharing.

Hahahahah. @chikaeli. thank you so much for being here. I will definitely love to share this meal with you soonest. Plantain helps to balance the high carbohydrate content of my meals. And chicken? they recommend it as one of the best meats.

Day well spent, the meeting with the manager of Dynapharm went well, we can't wait to get his reply next week
That ginger and tumeric tea...is it bitter??

No I see why you are looking so healthy and fresh even with the streess.sir you see that plaintain these days is rich man food.I will think of relocating to your city because of it.Finally since you like chicken ,I have big ones for sale remember to patronize me.hahahaha

Is a nice thing that Mr. Austin is doing business with you. You really had a great day sir. Those roasted plantains looks delicious.

The ginger and tumeric tea is very healthy to take in the body.


The most beauty of this day is that vital word from the scriptural verse . ' Readjust ' to readjust seems as kind of wide in term of application. And can get be applicable to each of daily endeavoural settings. Moreso your day was mainly tight on schedule, nonetheless , each moment did go well prior to personal intent. Your day was well spent.