Don't leave a job to start a business, but start a business to leave a job. One of the business trainer was quoted as saying. "People do not have patience to build a business for 5 years but they have patience to go to work for 40 years at the expense of inheriting a clock."
It is not a mistake to be born poor, but its a mistake to die poor. So start a business to leave a job. JOB simply means Just Over Broke.
SALARY is a word derived from a Greek word "SALARIAM" which means salt allowance, it is a money enough to buy salt.
Please don't leave a job to start a business but start a business to leave a job.
Do something about your life today. Start thinking about how to make money everyday.
Think Residual Income Start with a small targeted amount and grow as you go. Start with something that will give u even if its #100 a day. Its better than going to bed without making even a kobo.
Let's Put our faith into action, take risks and start a business TODAY.
SALARY alone can not solve your money problems. You need Secondary Source of income to balance.
SALARY is the MEDICINE for managing POVERTY, it doesn't CURE it. Only your BUSINESS or INVESTMENT Cures Poverty. Be Financially Intelligent... Have a Plan B
Think entrepreneurship, think investment.