The diary game season 3,how I spent my day 24/10/2021

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago 


Hello diary and fellow content creators, hope you are doing great. So today I'll share with us how I spent my day on 24/10/2021 being Sunday,so sit tight and read on.
Sunday to some is a day of worship ,to others maybe a day of resting and relaxing after a very stressful week, it might as well be a day of visiting friends, family and relatives to others. Whatever it maybe to you,the most important thing is you accomplish your goals and also have a fulfilling day. Let me share with you how I spent my own.


I woke up by 7am bearing in mind what Sunday
use to be to me, a day of worship to our almighty father Jehovah the creator of the universe who is worthy to be worshipped. The first thing I did was visiting the rest room, other things were having my morning family worship, taking my bath, brushing my teeth, polishing my shoes, ironing my clothes and taking my breakfast, all of these were in preparation towards attending our Sunday worship that use to begin by 9am every Sunday. The breakfast was just a light food pap, beanscake and bread
The purpose of this meal is to avoid sleeping during service.
After that I dressed up and went straight to the place of worship with my Android phone because the meeting is being conducted through Zoom. The meeting started by 9am and ended by 11 am dot. There is a lot of benefit in attending such chritain gathering. It afford us the opportunity to meditate on spiritual things and have an interchange of greetings and encouragement. It is at such gathering that you can interact with friends and relatives who love you, whom you can confide in. The meeting period always creates an atmosphere where you can relax, enjoy your self spiritual and feel happy. We all know that happiness fosters good health. A happy disposition is good medicine. One magazine known as Time magazine said that happiness or related mental state like hopefulness, optimism and contentment appear to reduce the risk or limit the severity of cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertension, cold, and upper-respiratory infection. A happy positive disposition can reduce the risk of death on elderly people by an amazing 50 percent. That is why it is good to be in the midst of people who promote and encourage a happy and peaceful atmosphere. This type of environment can only be found among those who are in the pure worship, of the only true God. After the meeting, I have to go home by then it was already afternoon.


Afternoon: Immediately I reached home the next thing I did was taking my lunch

After that I have to rest a bit before going to seminar we planned to have at Umungasi.
Since it was Sunday all those invited did not turn up on time because of their respective church services. Nonetheless we were able to hold the meeting and discuss the agenda successful down to the end. At the end of the meeting I have to rush home to meet those who were waiting for me.


Giving attention to these visitors and tackling their individual problems took some time to the extent that some left very late in the evening. The next line of action was to take my bath, take my dinner, pray and go to sleep. That was how I spent the day on that Sunday. I appreciate your effort and time spent in reading my post, God will reward all of us. Thanks.

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