Prowritershub-wk4:Regrets - Some of the things I wish I did or did not do in life

in hive-167622 •  2 years ago 



At my age I have made a lot of mistake and regret in so many things. The once i wish to have second chance are many while some i feel bad each time i remember them. Hmmmm, my regrets, missed opportunities are many but i will share just one with you. If i tell you in full what happened, it will have part or season 4.

This story is about a childhood friend which i don't know she has never be a good friend to me. All that she wanted was f6 me to serve demon's like her wich i didn't even know that she was serving mammy water 😭. Do not stop reading until you find out what happened at last. I assure you, it is an interesting and educative story.

How it started, something i wish i did not do

This my friend was my senior with 3 years. She use to love me so much. Always give me gift like earing, bangle, hair band and okpa. But the way my parents trained me, i hardly use what they fid not buy for me so i will dash those things out or i kept them somewhere in my room.

A year came that i want to get married. I told her, she was very happy with me but little did i know that she had evil plan. She was brideie and we planned everything together. Do you know what she did? She wrote a letter and dropped it at at the back of our kingdom hall where the wedding will be hold.

Will you like to know the content of that letter? She said in that letter that, this blessing that is getting married today is 3 months pregnant. She is not a virgin. She has done abortion 2 times. Pretender does the worst. As we came into the hall, she handed over that letter to me and said that his brother said he picked it at the back of kingdom hall.

She wad looking into my eyes to know my reaction. I wanted to give my husband the letter but my spirit said no so while i was calculating what to do, the chairman of the occasion called my husband to ask him, how much he trust me. Hmmm, my husband said he don't understand the question and he showed him a copy of that same letter that my friend gave me and told him that this wedding may not hold if this is true.

OMG there was controversy everywhere but the person who will give the marriage talk helped calm the situation. How you may ask? He was with a copy of my virginity test the day we went to do our blood group test. Little did i know that he had told the doctor to do virginity test on me so that when he is giving marriage talk, he will do it with boldness.

When he showed the result to the chairman and other Elders, they came to me and said, we are proud of you. This my evil friend was with me when they came shaking my hand and said the same thing. She became worried but i didn't know why. The wedding was successful and everyone went home.

After six years of my wedding. She had Challenges not married and she came to me and begged to live with us. Oh i didn't know she is evil, I welcomed her to live in one room in our house. After a while she began to behave strange. She moi moi that time, I will buy from her and she will like to give me free one but i rejected it. Not because i know who she is, not at all, my mind was that is busines, she is trying to come up. You understand, that was why, i refused the gift. Little did i know that God was saving me.

A day came, she bought sandals for my Son and my sister who is @chichieze but i asked my sister to burn it with fire that my spirit rejected those sandals. Do you know that she was not in the house when we burn those sandals but as she came back, she mentioned it that she bought sandals for my children but I burned them.

I was suprise but kept quiet. That night, I had a terrible dream where that my friend was burying poison on my window and as i woke up in that dream, I heard sound close to my window. I checked time 12.5 am. I sat down to be sure and there was sound so i opened my door quietly and behold my evil friend was burying python snake close to my window. She has dig the ground and the snake was lying lifeless on the ground.

I shouted at her and she was scared to death and she started to apologise to me that it is not what i think. That she meant good for me and my family. I forced her to put hand inside the whole she digged to remove sand do that i will be sure that nothing is there and she did it and took the snake and left the compound that night.

Two day later

Two days later she came to my shop with wig covered her face to ask for forgiveness according to her but i asked her to leave before i change it for her but she insisted that we talk. I told her that she will not get me with her evil plan that all her plans will return to her. Do you know what she said?

She called me Blessing i want to confess. I was the one who wrote the letter on your wedding day. I don't want you to get married. I am married with 4 kids in the water. I will not marry any human. I love you so much and wanted you to join me but it was not working. I even came to live with you so that it will be easy still nowhere. Please forgive me.

I became so angry at hearing this and called her Delilah. I asked her out of my presence and never think of seeing my face again until she died. And i did not see her face again until she died.

Lesson I learned from this costly mistake

I regreted bringing this friend into my house after few years of marriage. She caused me a lot of pain for the few months she lived with us. I wish i didn't know her from day1. I am telling you up till now, i still feel pain of what she did to me. Not all that glitters are gold. Anyone who is out to destroy you or your reputation can go a long way to do it.This my evil friend name was kindness but wickedness.till tomorrow, I regret every thing about her.

Special mention

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Oh my goodness!! This is a terrible experience. That lady is really evil. She also tried to lure me into that but it didn't work out. Thank God for saving your life and the one of your family members. Sorry about the pains she has cost you

One thing I love about you is that God was always on you side and sometimes you don’t have to believe in people just because they are doing you favor, they might be giving you those things to destroy your life and don’t trust anyone because even your own brother can betray, and thank you for sharing with us and I really enjoyed reading your post.

Ohoo I think we can't trust blindly on our friends we should learn from others if we learn from other according to me we can live a happy life and also we should learn from our mistakes instead of regrets

What??? Do you know that you are a blessed child. God saved you in all angle. Hmmmm some friends are evil indeed.

Dear they is no best friends again so you have to be careful with anyone who is close to you! But thank God your husband did virginity test and was with the copy. That is what saved you at the wedding proper.

This is a good lesson to learn from. Thanks for sharing.

All these are reasons why some people do not keep friends. Sometimes, people we call our friends are just agent of darkness in our life.
I really thank God for saving you . Indeed God deserve our honour.

It's people that are always close to you that will always hurt you. This is so bad 😫. Thank God you excaped all her evil plans. God will always bless and protect you from evil eyes.

Yes dear,you should not just believe in people because you don't know what they are up to,God really loves you and I am very happy to read through your post.

Thank you so much @ogwo. This my evil friend is so nice that you hardly suspect her plans. I thank God so much for his protection.


Heeew, @ijelady, this is pure crazy. People are too wicked.

I sat down to be sure and there was sound so i opened my door quietly and behold my evil friend was burying python snake close to my window. She has dig the ground and the snake was lying lifeless on the ground.

Imagine!!, Someone you referred to as your friend want to destroy your family. Thank Jehovah for revealing the whole truth. But, despite being your friend, her past action on your wedding day should move you to suspect her.

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You are right my dear. You know i did not know that she was the one who wrote the letter so that wedding day, i thought she was worried about me not knowing that it was because her plans failed.

Oh my God
I really thank Jehovah that all the plans against you did not succeed
Most people we trust to the extent of vouching for are the same people that stab us at our backs

That is wh6 we had judas iscariot the Man who betrayed his master and hung himself. Because of the end of the wicked once. May i not be counted among this evil people.


That why I don't like following friends, it better I follow people who are older than me, than to follow friends who will put you inside problem and run away.
sorry ma what have happen have happen.
ready your post was nice.
My regards.

Yes @morgan76 you are right we should follow old people and we should learn from there experiences instead of our they always try to cheats us very nice comment brother


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Friends can be evil and they might portray themselves as having your interest at heart but one thing is fact whatever a man sows he must surly reap, bear your pain and watch how Jehovah pays her back according to her deeds.
We are imperfect so we are bound to make mistakes in life.

I was shocked when i heard about her death and stories behind it. We need to serve Jehovah with a complete heart.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Evil friends should not be allowed anywhere around us, thank God for vindicating you from the false letter accusations.

It was not an easy situation. Imagine having a friend for many years before you discover who she is. It was a terrible situation that even 5 post cannot finish the story.

Wow God is really wonderful and am sure you must be a prayer woman that why God was giving you all those signs, hmmm there is no friend anywhere ooo even your family members are your enemy not to talk of an outsider.

It is true that people are wicked but we can still find good friends. I have find good friends on steemit like @focusnow, @princesshope and others. In our christain Congregation too, i have found good friends.

There are friends but the bad one's are making the good ones look bad too it's only by grace that we can identify the good ones.

What a marvelous God you serve mummy. He will never for once disappoint you, believe in him, I mean always.

I love reading this, I just balance one of my hand for check the read as if ok watching a movie, feels like a fiction even though it's real.
Thanks so much for sharing this with us

Honestly you are right,. It is like fiction but is true life story. Thank you for reading.


This is beautiful. There is huge lesson for anyone in It. Don't trust anybody until he proves he is a friend indeed. The only person that is your trustworthy is yourself. Thank you for the lesson.

Thank you ao much for reading my story @chikaeli.

Very good

The whole thing seems more like a script , and that of wedding date . More like a true scene in a script . What a friend , by name said is Kindness while by deeds she doesn't want to note . If her actions are kind or not . So sorry over such passed memory.

Thank you, it really a terrible situation but i thank God for his mercy.

Very good