Engagement Challenge Season 2 (Week 3)| Local Business review:Let's visit Mega millions kitchen utensils @joyful22

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago 


Am @joyful22 and am happy to participate in this contest, I am a resident of Lagos state in Nigeria, and Lagos State happens to be one of the biggest city in Nigeria and as a result Lagos State has so many big markets where people from different part of the country come in to buy and sell.

On this review I will be analyzing a kitchen utensils shop located inside Idumota market in Lagos State.


Physical address of the shop/market



Docemu street

Mega millions kitchen utensils shop is located at shop 64 line 3 at docemu street in Idumota market what3word

Docemu street is one of the business street in Idumota market where you will see no resident except people who come for business, and most Business owners deal on wholesales of kitchen utensils, souvenirs and bags.


Some products sold in Mega millions kitchen utensils shop

Mega millions kitchen utensils sells all it takes to start a new kitchen this includes;

  • Spoons
  • Plates in sets
  • Kettles both whistling and normal kettles
  • Non stick pots and normal pot.
  • Trays both stainless and plastic trays
  • Food flasks of different sizes
  • Water bottles of different sizes
    And so many other things.

Let's see how much he sells his goods.


Mega millions sells quality pots and they all comes in set.
Take a look at the prices of pots in mega millions kitchen utensils shop.

Types of potQuantityprices in nairaand steem
Nonstick pot3 in set22,000 Naira257 steems.
Non stick pot4 in set28,000 Naira323 steems
Aluminum pot4 in set18,000 Naira208 steems
Aluminum pot6 in set26,000 Naira305 steems

Sets of plates (the kings of the kitchen)

This plate are quality plates that retains heat and preserves food, it comes in a set of three or four, it is sold for 9800 Naira equivalent to 114 steems.
It comes in different designs and qualities, and are so good for serving food that's why it's known as the "kings of the kitchen".


Mega millions sells all types of blenders and he sells only quality blenders because most blenders today are not strong due to the little coil in them.

He sells products like Philips, Kenwood, silver crest, shasha and other ones, let take a look at the prices.

  • Silver crest that has two cups are sold for 18,000 naira equivalent to 209 steems
  • Silver crest with just one cup is sold for 16,000 naira equivalent to 184 steems.
  • Kenwood blender is sold for 22,000 naira equivalent to 257 steems.
  • Philips blender is sold for 19,500 naira.


This is a manual grater that can be used to crush pepper onions and many other things, and it plays a very good role in the kitchen especially when there is no electricity.

This manual grater is very affordable, it is sold for 1400 naira equivalent to 16 steems.

Chopper for fruits and vegetables

This is a fruit chopper, it can be used to chop fruits and vegetables into little sizes instead of using a kitchen knife, and it makes it more faster and hygienic
This fruit chopper is sold for 3000 naira equivalent to 35 steems.

What I bought


I bought whistling kettle for a customer of mine, she wanted a whistling kettle so as not to waste her gas anymore, she complained that she always forgets that she is boiling water when she is using the normal kettle.

Whistling kettle is a brand of kettle that makes noise like whistling once the water inside starts boiling and wherever you are in the house you will hear it, it is made in other to create awareness save life and save cost.

I bought the kettle for 3500 naira and sold it for 5000 naira, I have a watspp group where I post all this utensils and once I get orders I go to docemu market because I get those goods on wholesale prices there.

My rating

I have been visiting Idumota market for three years now and has been dealing with kitchen utensils for two years now so I can say some positive things about Idumota market.

When it comes to;


Docemu street is at the center of Idumota market, and it is very easy to locate but most times because of Lagos traffic many people find it difficult to visit Idumota market except if they are doing bulk buying.

Price of goods;

Idumota market is a very large market and most things are sold on wholesale prices and as a result they are affordable when compared to retailers, and most people who retail those goods always goes to Idumota to buy in bulks and on wholesale prices, whenever I have order I make gain because I buy on wholesale prices.

Quality of goods;

I don't know of other goods but when it comes to Mega millions kitchen utensils he sells quality goods because he has so many customers.
More to that quality always brings buyers back to a shop so mega millions deals on quality goods, sometimes I send just money and dispatchers because I trust that he will sell quality goods even at my absence.


I will say that Idumota market are very efficient when it comes to services, no matter the quantity of goods you buy labourers are always available to help you with your goods to different motor parks.
Mega millions kitchen utensils is never too busy to attend to his customers and meet at their point of needs.

Here comes the end of my review.

Please note that all pictures are my original pictures taken with my phone, also I have all those utensils for sale on affordable prices.
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You have done a good job of reviewing the Mega million Kitchen Utensils shop. I really like all their products, especially, the grater being multipurpose grater make it to be unique.

Hola amiga me encantó leerte, y los utensilios se ven muy buenos me gustó la tetera silbadora, es excelente para cuando se le olvida a uno el agua hirviendo, bueno a mí me sirve cuando me doy cuenta e gastado mucho gas y agua que se evapora,

saludos y bendiciones

Thank you for stopping by

Woaooah you have done a nice review at Mega millions kitchen. Seriously I love the whistling kettle. Sometimes my gas used to waist because I don't know that the water has boiled. But with the whistling kettle, it will help me to know when the water is ready. Even the price is affordable. Just NGN-3,5000, I will check it in one of the kitchen utensils Shops around my city here.

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Wow,this is very beautiful, and I really love your business sense, in that you have a WhatsApp group where you market these goods,and you also earn when you get an order, that is wisdom. Weldone @joyful22, you are doing very well.

Yesooo you know the world is not smiling financially so we must try to as much as possible to find other ways to make money.

Wow, I like your review. Detailed and precise, good you share a trust relationship with your wholesaler , Mega Millions kitchen utensils. I'm quite familiar with Idumota, also called Eko Idumota. It's the home of varieties. Very true, Costs of things are fair and available at wholesales there.

Thanks for sharing your review.

wow really love reading this post it is so interesting and nice mega kitchen untensil is really a good place to buy kitchen material keep it up

You have done a beautiful job, I have bought some of my home utensils I use today from that very market like my nonstick frying pan for so many years but still lasting and ok. Thanks for the invite.

Docemu street is one of the business street in Idumota market where you will see no resident except people who come for business, and most Business owners deal on wholesales of kitchen utensils, souvenirs and bags.
Your article is full of worthy information. Here you talk about the best and a big market of kitchen utensils in your area and talk about the different small but worthy utensils. I like your article very much so please keep it up. Am waiting for your next article.

A one stop shop for all your utensils. That’s what this hop can be described as.

With the cost of things pumping up in Africa I am sure these utensils cost a lot in the local currency. This days you might know of a price and then go back the next day and then price will change.

From the pictures I can tell that his goods are quality enough and a customer who pays a lot for them will definitely do it smiling ☺️.

Am sure business has been good for the business man and he will definitely have more of this shops else where.

Wow that's real stuffs you have got there ✊👌

You really did awesomely dear, I love as you just simply explained about this utensils you saw I am glad you finally bought at least 1 and I believe you would come back for more when you are been paid.

Kenwood are one of the strongest product in the electronic market, I Know because my father is a dealer on this field.

Thanks for sharing

wishing you success

I love your shop review it's full of beautiful items

I love the way your shop is full of different kitchen utensils. Your prices are also fair. Good luck

You have done a great review of of Mega Millions Kitchen Utensils shop over there in Idumota lagos where items like kettle,pot,blender,spoons and other kitchen utensils are sold at a good price.

Wow,you bought the whistling kettle at #3500.I like that kettle and I intend buying it too.Atleast,I have come to know about the likely price from this review.@joyful22

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  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Please you can buy from me, I will waybill it to your destination.thanks for the review

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Woow this is a beautiful review, mega millions kitchen have beautiful kitchen utensils. The non stick not is entering my eyes, how I wish I will get one for myself 😁. I wish you all the best.

Thanks for this well structured post ... I love the style of your markdown used.

I wish you good luck in the rest contest

Best Regards

Hola Amigo, veo que hay diferentes productos. Te has centrado en artículos indispensables para los utensilios de cocina. La tetera es genial. Salud a tu emoción.

Hola @alegre22 me gustó mucho tu publicación, los detalles de los productos y sobretodo los precios son accesibles, lástima que estamos tan lejos, yo disfrutaría comprar allí , hay mucha variedad. Exitos

Wow that shop is huge
I can only imagine the capital used in that business. Some of us are still dreaming of putting up shops like that.

I don't know much about the plate business but as you say they sell at whole sale prices which makes it more affordable then it's cool!! That's a plus for me

Good luck!

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

The name Mega Million kitchen utensils really suits the business and you did a beautiful review of it. The pictures are indeed captivating that you can't keep yourself from buying everything.

Those are one of the technology that easy the work of human, a whisling kettle. The fruit crusher is a tool I like too, crush fuit with seed like watermelons, wow what an innovation.
Good you have purchased the kettle, the owner will be glad and grateful for your help


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This is a great and beautiful review. I have always fancied a kitchen utensils store.
I believe there is unseen profit in it.

Also it is the prayer of all buyers in the market to have persons to carry items aftr we buy especially big items. It's nice to know this market does have that.

That's a whole lot of kitchen utensils at that shop. You have done well in reviewing the business site @joyful22.

Each day if our lives we use kitchen utensils to eat or cook with and so finding a good source is of importance to us all.

From your explanation Mega millions kitchen utensils shop offers quite a number of utensils and at cheaper prices enabling many people to buy. If I there I would visit that shop always. Thanks for sharing with us

Mutfak araç gereçleri her evin ihtiyacıdır. Benim ülkemle karşılaştırma yaptığım zaman sizin fiyatlarınız daha uygun geldi. Ayrıca su ısıtıcısını ve yapışmaz tencereleri modellerini çok beğendim.❤️Güzel🤗 bir işletme inceleme yazısı olmuş ellerinize sağlık.

Very well made an entry. You have beautifully presented this post to us. You also told us that you have been selling these kitchen items from this store for almost two years. You have a good experience here, you gave them positive reviews.

I love the name of the shop, it's like a million toys for me, love kitchen appliences

Thanks for this entry @joyful22. This entry is timely as I am trying to fix purchase kitchen utensils for the new apartment I want to rent.

I strongly believe I can order stuffs from Mega Million Kitchen Utensils. I hope, I won't be disappointed?