Stay Healthy: The Importance of Good personal Hygiene

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago 

Am grateful once again to everyone that stops by to visit my page.

Today we are going to see the need and importance of keeping a healthy personal hygiene.

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What is personal hygiene

Personal hygiene simple means self-care which includes things like bathing, brushing of teeth, putting perfume, body spray, washing of of clothes and undies.

Personal hygiene helps to reduce the spread of diseases and also helps to keep a healthy body, personal hygiene will also help you to know causes of some minor diseases and how they started in a sense personal hygiene increases self confidence and personal development.

Ways of practicing good personal hygiene.

Washing of hands
  • One important way of practicing self hygiene is washing of hands regularly with soap and water, this have been said to be a way to reduce spreading of diseases like Ebola, Coronavirus, Cholera and many other diseases.

  • It is important to wet the hand with water and scrub with soap for 10-20sec mins then rinse with water and all the gems in the hand that can spread to the body will die off.

  • Whenever we visit a hospital or a sick relative, condolence visit, and whenever we return back from work, market, school it is very important that we wash our hands.

  • It is also important to wash our hands thoroughly after using the restroom, after blowing our nose, and after doing any form of clean up in our house or workplace.

Bathing and brushing of teeth.
  • Bathing and brushing of our teeth is a very important way to practice personal hygiene, to keep a healthy personal hygiene it is very important that we bathe twice daily in the morning before going to work and in the evening before going to bed.

  • So many people develop mouth odor because they do not keep a healthy oral hygiene, to keep a healthy oral hygiene it is important to brush our teeth twice per day thereby keeping the cavity free from infections that might cause future problem.

Use of deodorant and antiperspirant.

This is another important way to keep a standard personal hygiene because deodorant prevents body odor that are caused by the bacterial breakdown of perspiration in feet, armpits and other parts of the body. Body sprays and roll-ons are alcohol-based so they are antibacterials and kills bacteria before they start spreading.

The body passes out waste particles through our sweats and sometimes this sweats can be offensive especially during dry season so deodorant does a lot of work in taking off that offensive smell and replacing it with a beautiful smell.

Washing our clothes with good soaps.

Personal hygiene includes washing our clothes with good soap, it must not be expensive but it must be a quality soap that can take of dirty and bacteria from the cloths.

Sometimes people feel that is much better giving out dirty clothes to a commercial laundry man but personally I don't think is a good hygiene because the cloths are washed together with so many other peoples clothes, and those people might have one skin problem or another and most of the time those clothes are not rinsed to a proper degree.

Have a good sleep.

This is another important way to keep a healthy personal hygiene, having a 6-8hrs sleep as an adult keeps you healthy and strong.

Regularly cutting of nails.

This is another important way to keep a healthy personal hygiene, our nails when grown hides high percentage of bacteria and once we use those hands to eat or touch our face we thereby transmit the disease from the nails to the system.

Benefits of keeping a healthy personal hygiene

  • You will always be healthy and you will not be responsible for spreading of diseases and infections.

  • You will always be happy because a healthy person is always happy.

  • Healthy personal hygiene will improve our immune system and the way they function.

  • It will take away unnecessary muscle aches and pains and also reduce swelling
    Personal hygiene helps in increasing blood flow, it also improves concentration


Personal hygiene is very important to our daily life, it can never be overly emphasized, but there is a language that say " everything that is above the cutting edge is over full" the question is can someone be overly hygienic.?
That will be basis for our topic for next discussion

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The body passes out waste particles through our sweats and sometimes this sweats can be offensive especially during dry season so deodorant does a lot of work in taking off that offensive smell and replacing it with a beautiful smell.

What you said is true and washing of clothes has a lot to contribute
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@joyful you really did well for posting a quality post in this community to keep a good hygiene is very good thank you a lot

Personal hygiene can not be overstated, that's why the steemalive community set this as a topic of discussion, I also love the part,

This is another important way to keep a healthy personal hygiene, having a 6-8hrs sleep as an adult keeps you healthy and strong.

Indeed sleep does alot for us humans. Thanks sharing @joyful22

Indeed personal hygiene basically concerns for being always taking good care of oneself , interm's of keeping one's body clean and it's environment at all time . Thank for sharing.

Personal hygiene is very important to our daily life, it can never be overly emphasized,

It's imperative that everyone maintains personal hygiene. Even this saying "Cleanliness is next to godliness" encourages it.