Unending Season 3 | The Diary Game | 29-05-2021 | Visiting My friend | Staying home | Bored - written by kadosh2340@kadosh2340

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago 

Dear Diary,
Good morning, I woke up very late cause I slept very late at night due to I watched lots of movies with my friends.
When I woke up, I went to detach for food cause we had nothing at home to eat, perhaps they had options but I didn't have any because I'm very selective when it comes to food. Finay I saw a nearby mini-restaurant where they sold cheap food tho they ain't that up to my satisfactory taste but I had to mange. I bought rice and meat with a plastic soda (fanta).
After eating, I had to go home to rest very well since I wasn't going to work because of the unrest in the city. When I got home, I joined my friends to play games ( Table Tennis, PS4 games and later that evening football at the field nearby).

After football we went back to our room then took our bath and planned for dinner, but finally we drank Tea with bread and akara (Bean Cake).
When we were done, we decided to play WHAT GAMES
We played about 15 games and I won 6 times, the other won 5 times then the last won 4 times.

After the games we became sleepy but I was still awake to watch a movie titled Vanquish 👇

It talks about a woman who has 24hrs to rescue the daughter and then go live a free deserved life.

Thank for reading my diary report ❤️

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@kadosh2340. You and food eh😅

Your love for food has always been with you

I think it was another better rest day for you coupled with the company u had from Ur friends

Sounds like a really boring day sir. You sure say no be tennis get you so??