Drug Abuse

in hive-167622 •  2 years ago 

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Drug Abuse in our society is becoming a new normal, so it has to be addressed properly to save the future generation.

Drug Abuse - learning about it and how to protect oneself from it's effect

Drugs as King Solomon noticed is not meant for Kings. At any point in time, kings or leaders are supposed to have lucid states of mind in order to be organised, be rational and pass sound practical judgement and face the daily tasks of governing the people.

Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self control (Proverbs: 25:28).

By definition drugs is a substance that has the tendency to disorganise the human mind and direction, if abused through inappropriate consumption or intake.

  1. Psychotropic Drugs and their addiction: Also called psychoactive drugs or psycho pharmaceuticals. They are chemical substances that have effect on the psyche (mind).

When taken, they exert powerful effects on the higher functions of the central nervous system (the brain) and the spinal cord. There are changes in the brain function and these results in alterations in perception, mood, consciousness and behaviour.

  1. Drug Addict: A drug addict is someone, who is habituated or addicted to illegal or habit forming drugs.

  2. Drug Addiction: Addiction is the condition of taking harmful habit forming drugs and being unable to stop harmful habit forming drugs and being unable to stop them. There is strong craving desire or need for addicted substances such as nicotine, cocaine etc.

  3. Psychotropic Drugs: This can be classified according to their pharmacological and clinical effects into;
    a. Hypenosedatives
    b. Tranquillosedatives
    c. Tranquillisers
    d. Central nervous system stimulants
    (also called psychoanaleptics).
    e. Antidepressants ( called
    f. psychotomimetics (also called
    hallucinogenic drugs)

People have been seen to abuse these Drugs in so many ways:

  1. Youths, mainly within the age bracket of 18 - 25 years, sometimes even younger lads who are still in the primary school. With the long strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities, one can imagine what has become if our youths idling away their time. These young people at their prime are tempted to suppress the pressure on them but their friends/peer group by settling for these substances.

  2. Under normal circumstances most crimes like ritual killing, rape, kidnapping, cultism, armed robbery would be unheard of, but these crimes are mainly carried out by youths under the influence of drugs. There is increased motor activity, maniacal excitement and schizophrenic symptoms.

  3. Disobedience to lawful instructions of parents, guardians, teachers and care givers due to havoc caused by drugs is very common.

  4. The over all impression is one of power and dominance. These could be observed in Motor parks, bus stops, public gathering like voters Registration Units and neighbourhoods.

Drug is Common due to these Reasons:

  1. Idleness - A cliche says; an idle man is the devil's workshop. With so many youths in their prime not actively engaged meaningfully.

  2. Politicians in their crooked ways engage most youths as thugs during elections to carry ballot papers and manipulate elections. They arm them with weapons and drugs to enable them do their unwholesome biddings.

Lack of Political will on the part of our leaders at the three Thiers of government. Even when laws are in place, they are hardly enforced, and when carried out, it is selective.

That is why drugs are sold under the nose of government and watchful eyes of their agents in government motor parks, within and around government offices, agencies and parastatals.


              Harmful Effects:
  1. High rate of social vices, e.g rape, cultism, kidnapping, vandalisation of public property.

  2. Our towns, cities, market squares and public places are found so many mentally deranged persons of all gendar s, including the youths, even pregnant lunatics and abandoned babies - harmful effect of drugs.

  3. Increase in the activities of insurgents, bandits are linked to drug abuse. It is the enabler of high profile and daring criminal onslaughts.

The Practical wats Drug Abuse could be Prevented of Reduced are:

  1. Government should make efforts to revisit the extant laws in drugs and drug related crimes and make conscious efforts to enforce them to the later.

  2. Identifying and weeding off corrupt government officials, including all the segments of the security agencies whose activities are at variance with these laws. At least punishing them accordingly will serve as a deterant to others who operate like them.

  3. Responsible governance - Government exists to provide social services, infrastructure and security to the populace, but whereby this is not done, that government is not worth it, hence does not merit loyalty of the citizenry.

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Nice post dear,drug abuse is really bad as it causes many health problems and sometimes it might go a along way to cause death.

It is good that the government pernalize anyone found abusing any drug so as to make us all safe and free from worries.