When I was very little I was asking my self what will I be in future? I thought I was really going to be a lawyer that was my intentions then. Now that I have come up of age, I asked my self again what are we doing in this world? when it seems to be that the rich also cry and the poor is been neglected, then I had several thoughts but I wasn't getting it all right, until this day and now I have discovered my purpose and the reason why am living for. so please I would love you to join me as we read and to understand our purpose in life, because it really seems to me that many people are making mistakes of their life's. So let's go as we discover who we really are.
many people today doesn't know who they really are nor their purpose in life. why are you brought into this world? through the bible you will understand that the world's was filled with violence and it was corrupt before God, if then the earth was filled with violence what then are you doing in the world?: you are God's temple and he dwells in you, that's why he made you in his own image, so that you get to be like him. and if you deny the fact that God doesn't exist he takes you out from the world because his purpose of bringing you into the world was for you to bring peace upon the Earth.
Don't be so wise to think you can do anything without God, no it doesn't work like that you came into his world for a purpose and if you think you can't do that which he has called you to do then get ready to depart from the world to the grave 🪦 many people have died without knowing what killed them so therefore Don't be wise on your own else your wiseness will end you up in foolishness.
You are God's Temple and his living inside of you. The word temple is defined as building used for worship, in other words you are God's building and his living inside of you, you are his caretaker, that takes care of the building: God as the landlord has already told you on what to do in his building, and when you don't do that which he has told you, he takes you out from his building.
Don't be so lazy not to have kept the building clean. The Landlord has many buildings which building are you? and how clean is it? The Landlord has reasons why he made you his caretaker because he believes you have all it takes to take care of the building. he gave you access to everything in the building and has given you power over everything in the building and nothing should by any means hurt you, you have everything needed to take care of the inside and in the outside building.
Tell me when the landlord comes back and fines his building unkept you think his going to be happy with you? Don't be deceived what ever you sow shall be given to you, you don't expect to sow corn and harvest beans, no is not possible: So therefore the landlord will reward you with everything you do be it good or bad. if you think you are wise enough not to have kept the building clean because the landlord is away, when he comes back and fines his building unkept, you will have to start again to clean up the whole building again else you depart from his building.
The Landlord knows how his building should be. If you must be a good caretaker to have obtain favor from your landlord then you must be truthful, in other words you must be faithful to have obey him. You are God's temple and your purpose of coming into this world is to worship him, because he has given you all things and what ever he hasn't given to you, feel free to ask him, you are just a caretaker and not a landlord.
Many have allowed unclear spirit into their buildings, as well as been deceived by the members of their own house, your eyes, your ears and other paths of your body could deceived you, not to have been a good caretaker. Don't allow any of your members to influence you by any means: most people are already influenced by their members which is the body, you are meant to take care of the body and not the body taking care of you
Get to influence your body and don't allow your body your body to influence you. You are the mind, God can only relate with you through the mind and not your body. The body is just the flesh in you, God can't speak to you through your body, because the flesh cannot please God. Don't allow your body to tell you what to do, rather tell your body what to do. Remember you are the caretaker and all your members should worship God in spirit and in truth, for this purpose you are made the caretaker. Never be deceived, nor destracted by other caretakers that has been influenced by their members not to have known the truth.
God has made all his buildings beautiful in his own time, his the master builder, now tell me as a caretaker that you are, how beautiful is your your? and how clean is it? many have died and forgotten because they do not know how clean they are, Be mindful of your words, you are your words.
I strongly believe you now know who you are and what you should do always? take care of body always and don't allow your body take care of you else God will cut you off from your body and I hope you know what that means?