Better Life With Steem Diary Game On How I spent My Day On Saturday 19/02/22||Attending A Church Service, Preaching A Sermon And Powering Up My Total Earnigs To Retain My #Club100 Status. 10% payout goes to @steemalive By @linheart.

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago 



My good friends in @steemalive community, it is with excitement I greet you all. I am hopeful we are all doing great and in good health condition. I wish to share you how I spent my day preaching a sermon in the church and also powering up my total earning of 63.345 steem to retain my status in #club100.


Morning Hours

It was a Saturday, my day of Worship. It was also our FAMILY LIFE week and we have ran a weeklong programme with the theme The Resilient Marriage.
I am the secretary to the Family Life Ministries/Department my leader had appointed me to present the sermon on the last day of the weeklong Programme. So I woke up very early at about 4 a.m to revisit the sermon I had prepared and get food ready for the house afterwards.
After feeding my kids and dressing them I also took my bath, dressed up and left for church. The Service began with the first segment which is the Sabbath School. During this session we studied a lesson on the topic Jesus, the Mediator Of The New Covenant with the memory text saying:

"But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises" (Hebrews 8:6 ESV).


The morning session of the service ended at 11am and the next segment which is the Divine Service set in.


Afternoon Hours

During this segment of the worship, invocational hymns, invocational prayers, Offertory, Singspirations by singing groups, congregational hymns, pastoral prayers, Sermonette and Consecratory songs were featured at respective intervals.
I was the preacher of the day and I was to summarize all the lessons that has been presented by various facilitators during the programme that ran from Saturday evening to Friday which featured the following topics:
Day1 Saturday 12/2/22: The Resilient Marriage.
Day2 Sunday 13/2/22: Raising Resilient Children.
Day3 Monday 14/2/22: Nurturing Characters For Eternity.
Day4 Tuesesday 15/2/22: Nurturing Children's Character Strengths.
Day5 Wednesday 16/2/22: Family Resilience: Being Refined By The Fire.
Day6 Thursday 17/2/22: Growing Confident Girls.
Day7 Friday 18/2/22: A Spiritually Vibrant ADVENTIST HOME
After briefly summarizing these topics, I then introduced my topic for the day which is: STATEMENT ON FAMILY VIOLENCE.
My Scripture text was taken from Genesis 2:23-24. Which talks about how Adam felt when he woke up to see Eve by his side and he could not help to keep silent but exclaimed

This is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh and she shall be called a Woman because she is taken out of my flesh.

Considering the way the woman was created, there ought to be no justifiable reason why a man should unleashed untold suffering not any form of violence on a woman be it social, domestic, sexual etc.
Continuing in the sermon, I defined violence as a behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage or kill somebody or destroy something and also mentioned the various kinds of violence in the family



•Verbal Abuse.
•Physicsl Abuse.
•Emotionsl Abuse.
•Sexual Abuse.
•Material Abuse.
•Medical Abuse.
•Depreciation Of Character/Unrealistic Demands For Perfection.

In the same vein I highllighted some of the prevalent factors that leads to violence in the family



1• Loss of First love
2• Lack of Prayer.
3• Unforgiveness.
4• Third Party Interference.
5• Lack of Self-control.
6• Pride,Ego and Selfishness.
7• Lack of the three magic words l am Sorry
8• Lack of Proper Counselling Before Marriage is Consummated.


Solutions To Family Violence

In proferring solutions to family violence I encourage the congregation to go the the factors causing it. Because in those factors lie the solution. If first love should be restored, prayer embraced, forgiveness practiced, Third party Interference avoided, self subjected under control, pride and ego and Selfishness replaced with garment of humility and death to self etc, violence would become a thing of the past in our family thereby making the church and our society at large a better place to stay .


Evening Hours

After the service, we visited one of the church members that was attacked by armed robbers in his residence and collected his phone and money to sympathized with him. From there I went home had my lunch and returned to the church for choir rehearsals at 4:30pm. The rehearsals lasted for about one and half hour and ended at exactly 6pm. I got home bathed my kids had a light food for dinner and then slept.


My diary Photo Gallery




Powering Up 63.345 steem to retain my status in #club100

I Powered up my total earnigs

Wallet Before Power up


Amount Powered up



Wallet After Power Up




It was a great privilege and opportunity to me on this day to preach the the congregation. In fact it is my first time ever to preach in the church and my position as the secretary to the Family Life Ministries Department necessitated such an uncommon opportunity. At first I was very very nervous but I thank God who enabled me through the holy Spirit to pass across his message to his church. I am also glad to Power up for the second time to retain my status in #club100.
Special mention:

My warmest regards to you all, blogged by


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also powering up my total earning of 63.345 steem to retain my status in #club100.

This is a great power-up my dear... We love you power-up spirit...

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?
  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Thanks so much in anticipation of great support. Because great Power Up will Result to great support and great support will in turn give birth to greater power up. Abi no be so?

Na so oooo ..... Thanks very much.

Thanks so much for affirmatively concording to this.