in hive-167622 •  4 years ago 

Of recent the issue of of payment of tithe has become a topical and controversial one. While some people say it is old testament practice, others say it's a necessity. Some even go to the extreme by insinuating that without payment of tithe, one can not inherit the kingdom of God.

Some Churches even use it as a yardstick to measure faithfulness. Should a Christian in the new covenant pay tithe? Although payment of tithe has helped the "Church" to accomplish gigantic projects and provided fund for the running of the church, it's still necessary to put the scripture in proper perspective. What does the scripture say about tithe?
The origin of tithe
Although many bible scholars regard tithe as part of the Mosaic law, tithe had actually existed before Moses was born. Tithe started with Abraham. Gen. 14:20. However, God made tithe compulsory for the Israelites. Lev. 14:30 " And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the tree, is of the LORD'S: it is holy unto the Lord.
Items for tithe
Only agricultural produce were to be tithed.
Leviticus 27:30
And all the tithe of the land whether of
the seed of the land or of the tree, is
holy unto the Lord

Deuteronomy 14:22
Thou shall tithe all the increase of thy
seed, that the field bringeth forth year
by year.
Money was not used to tithe. Where tithe was to be transported to a far distance, obviously to the tabernacle of congregation, tithe can be converted to money but once they get to the tabernacle, the money is re converted back to agricultural produce. Deuteronomy 14:24-26.
Types of tithe
While there are many passeges that talk about tithe, the book of Deuteronomy 14:22-29 will be of immense help to us. For you to understand the discussion carefully read through the passage from different versions. From here, we learn that they are three different types of tithe.
1. Festival tithe
This type of tithe was to be done once a year. Every household was to choose from their flock or wine whatsoever they desire from their gettings, one tenth of such and take it to the tabernacle of congratulation. There in the tabernacle each household will prepare their meal and eat it before the Lord and rejoice. It was meant to be a celebration and merriment for the tithers.
2. Levitical tithe
This was to be paid to the levitical priests.
Leviticus 27: 30
And concerning the tithe of the land, or
of the flock, even of whatsoever
passeth under the rod, the tenth shall
be holy unto the Lord.
Leviticus 18:24
But the tithes of the children of Israel,
which they offer as an heave offering
unto the Lord I have given to the Levites
to inherit. Therefore, I have said unto
them , Among the children of Israel they
shall have no inheritance.
This type of tithe was to be paid on three occasions:
a) periodically
Any time you go to your farm or flock, whatever you harvest, a tenth should be paid to the Levites.
Deuteronomy 14:22;
Thou shall truly tithe all the increase of
thy seed, that the field bringeth forth
year by year. See also Matthew 23:23.
b) Yearly
Deuteronomy 14: 27
And the Levites that is within thy gates,
thou shall not forsake him; for he hath
no part nor inheritance with thee.
As the Israelites celebrate the annual tithe festival, they were required to make provision for the Levites also.
C) Triannially
The Levites were also to partake in this type of tithe which was basically for the poor and the needy ( see below)
3. Tithe for the poor and the needy.
Deuteronomy 14:28
At the end three years thou shalt bring
forth all the tithe of thy increase the
same year and shall lay it up within thy
Deuteronomy 26:12
When thou has made an end of tithing,
all the tithes of thine increase the third
year which is the year of tithing, and
given unto the Levites, the stranger and
the widow , that they may eat within
thy gates, and be filled.

There's yet a fourth tithe
which is called tithe of tithe.
Numbers 18: 26
Thus speak unto the Levites and say
unto them... even a tenth part of the
Numbers 18:28
... and ye shall give thereof the LORD'S
heave offering to Aaron the priest.
The Levites were to pay tithe to the Chief priest , Aaron.
Purpose of the tithe
From the foregoing, it's clear that tithes were designed for:
a) The tither - should first and foremost benefit from the tithe and rejoice and be happy.
b) Levites - to make provision for their need.
C) For the poor, the widow and the stranger.

Should Christians in the New testament pay tithe? Before I attempt an answer to this question, let me make the following deductions:

  1. They are no Levites today. Ministers of God receive salary, own businesses, own property etc. All believers are priests of the most high God 1 peter 2:9.
  2. The Israelites struggled to keep the law of tithe and they failed including the Levites. Malachi 3:9.
  3. Jesus Christ did not teach about tithe. When he mentioned it, he was addressing the Pharisees and the Sadducees and not the disciples or the Church. Matthew 23:23. His stand on tithe is neither here nor there : those who paid tithe didn't commit any sin neither did those who didn't pay. There are more important things than tithe: law, judgement and mercy
  4. The Apostles didn't teach about tithe. When Apostle Paul talked about offering,he had this to say: " Upon the first day of the week,let everyone of you lay by him in a store as God has prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. 1 Corintians 16:2.
  5. The early church did not teach, practice or pay tithe.
  6. Of all the four types of tithe I have analysed,non is being practiced today. We only collect tithe to build and run the church. No provision is made for the tither, the poor, the widow and the stranger.
    Should we not pay tithe in the new testament?
    The Christian religion is all about faith Hebrews 11:6: If you want to tithe that God will bless you through it, go ahead, but make sure you pay full tithe. If you are not convinced that tithe is necessary in the new dispensation and you are not paying, you have not committed any sin.

All opinions expressed in this write up are mine and not in any way that of any denomination neither am I an authority in this field.
All scripture quotations are from the King James version

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