The diary game season:3 how I spent my day 6/3/22

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago 
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Hello friends, how did your day go, sure it well smoothly, and know you all are doing great. Thank God the giver of life for another beautiful day. Am glad to share with you how I spent my day.



I woke up by 6:00am and said my prayers after then I then examined the scriptures. The text for the day's examining the scriptures was taken from the book of Provb 15:8 there i learnt that the prayer of the upright one makes the heart of Jehovah glad, that we can talk to Jehovah about what we want in our heart and also we pour our hear about how we really feel because he is our friend. And sometimes he answers our prayer very quickly while sometimes he does not answer our prayers quickly. And sometimes we may need to continue to prayer for a particular thing before he answers. But even at that Jehovah always answer our prayer at the right time and in the best way.

After examining the scriptures, I swept the compound then brush my teeth and took my bath. After bathing I took breakfast Rice and stew.


After eating I got dressed, and joined our Christian meeting for service. At the meeting I learnt a lot on how we should be content with what we have, and how servant of God in the past like David had strong faith in Jehovah even when he was passing through difficulty and that faith help him kill the giant Goliath. After service I extended warm greetings to my Christian Brothers and sisters. After then I went home.


I got home at 12:12pm, and did not know what to eat yet, then I took some nap. Then I woke up, and taught of taking noodles and bread, that was was I took for linch. After eating, I went back to bed and had some sleep.


I woke up by 5pm, being that it was weekend with no activity, I really had time to rest. I then tooth my dinner. After taking my dinner, I took my phone and checked for messages and missed calls , then I entered online.
Thanks for reading through my post.

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I agreed with you, Jehovah really answers those who are upright.

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Hello @noma12 next time give space between the markdown so it can align properly.

My taste buds have been awakened by that stew. Oh lala