The diary game, day 3 A productive day 08/05/2021

in hive-167622 •  4 years ago 

Hello friends, I hope you are well wherever you are, I wish you much health, wellness and a thousand blessings.

I am very happy to be here and let you know how today May 08, 2021 has developed. Make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the reading.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the @steemalive community for their thorough work they do on a daily basis.

Dear diary today I woke up at 8:14 am with a lot of energy, thanking God for being alive and giving me one more day of life. I went to the bathroom to perform my basic needs and then talked to my sister who was in the kitchen. My sister was having problems with her laptop and we realized it was a virus and were able to format it, ending the problem.

IMG_20210508_082725927.jpgThank you God for giving me another life
IMG_20210508_094102364.jpgWe finally solved the laptop problem

9:30 am
I had breakfast and decided to go downtown to buy some paints and a USB cable to charge my cell phone. For security reasons I left my cell phone, as they steal a lot in that area.

IMG_20210508_090926064.jpgI live near the beach and we eat a lot of fish.

11:20 am

I went back and found what I was looking for, but the cable didn't work to charge my cell phone. I decided to set about creating two pencil holders in the shape of Minions and using the new paints for the first time. I stopped for a moment, as I was hungry and when I looked at the time it was almost 2 pm, I was very hungry and decided to go to the kitchen to eat.

IMG_20210508_171154502.jpgPleased with the cold paints

2:40 pm
I went back to my crafts in the company of my nephews. I was very happy to see the final product. My nephew took the opportunity to look for his model that was damaged, it was a fighter plane, model Mustang p51. He was missing two propellers and I was able to create them myself.

IMG_20210508_142656971.jpgA delicious lunch

6 o'clock in the evening
It got dark quickly and it started to rain, my dog Nina is very cold. I found a way to keep her warm and she stayed calm. My aunt cooked me an arepa with cheese and that was my dinner.

6:30 pm
My sister told me to record a Leodan song, so I grab my guitar to record some tracks.

Screenshot_20210508-222659~2.pngAlways together in everything

8 pm
It's still raining and the cold is huge here, I'm starting to feel sleepy, I went to bed late yesterday watching movies and possibly that's the cause of my sleepiness. I decided to check my social networks, read a bit to entertain myself.


9:30 pm
I play a little bit of Terraria, but after a few minutes I feel sleepy again, friends I must sleep. See you in another post. Love to all.

Thanks for visiting my diary post.

Best regards

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