Greetings great steemit members, today I wish to write about my third visit to the office of the founder of steemalive community and his officials. The office is located at number 208 Azikiwe Road Aba, Abia State.
Remember few days ago I wrote about my second Visit to the office. So far I am only able to visit the office on Wednesdays since Wednesday happens to be the only days I will be out of my office for a general reason.
Personally I have been committed to improving myself on the steemit platform and increase my activeness in the steemalive community so as to get the maximum results.
I went to CDS very late but God helped me to scale through the punishment that was meant for late comers. I arrived exactly the time Mrs Confidence the Zonal Inspector representative was taking down state codes of corpers who came earlier.
And I sharply joined the line and gave her my state code others who came after me were considered late comers hence were not allowed to give their state code.
We went for our brief meeting to discuss the progress of our group which is educational development group. We talk about the new chairs we bought and the plans we have for schools in Aba and how to contribute to the society. After this our president told us that we had come to the end of the meeting that we do not have much discussion for the day.
Since I had closed from my meeting I decided to talk to Corper Abundance who I started telling about the steemit platform last CDS. Today while u started talking she made me excited by telling me she wants to join steemit.
I took her to the office where she successfully joined this plateform and now she is receiving guidance and mentorship from @samuel20.
Meanwhile I also took corper Odenayo of NCCF Aba to the office considering that while I spoke to the other prospect she also gave her ears to receive this Goodnews of steemit.
pictures we took at the office
She followed us to the office and she got to know more about Steemit from the aba steemalive coordinator. I hope she registers this week.
Some people I spoke to about Steemit as corpers some look at me as though I don't know what am doing, some snoop me while others try to give me a listening ear.
But am sure time will tell, because by the time this few persons am convincing to register start testifying about the goodness of steemit they will listen at that point.
Corper Abundance is yet to make her first post because she traveled, I hope to encourage and guide all newbies on whatapp and facilitate their posting on steemit.
I wish to thank the COORDINATOR and @ninapenda for their consistency in topnotch hospitality. They are always welcoming at the office, they bought us refreshment and made us feel free as thoug gh at home.
I must also use this post to thank steemalive for giving the badge of a promoter by making me a member of the Steemalive Promoters Club. I pledge to do my best and always produce the best results. Thanks for reading.
You can do well to watch out for my next post which title is, " 10 SURE WAYS TO PROMOTE STEEMIT AS A MEMBER OF THE STEEMALIVE PROMOTERS CLUB".
I love you stay blessed. I remain @peterabagi.