Major Life Update - Going back to studying at 32 years old - moving to Barcelona

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago 

Hi SteemAlive,

This is my first post in the SteemAlive community, I have been blogging on Steemit since December 2020 and I am happy to have found this community.

for the ones that don't know me, my name is Petra and I am an independent dance artist and tap dancer and have been based in London for the past 12 years. Two days ago, I moved to Barcelona, to join the professional training program at Escola Luthier, which is Europe's only full time tap school, and I will be attending classes here and we also are able to book practice space for free.


The application process was a video audition, and I will be attending the Advanced track.

the first few days I just walked through the streets of Barcelona and soaked up all the energy of the city, I made a little collage for you of pictures and videos I made on the first two days of being there. I hope you enjoy:

The weather leaves a lot to be desired, but apparently I have picked the only thunder storm this summer to arrive lol.


One of the first places I always go to when I am in Barcelona is Parc Ciutadela


I first wen't to this park because the tap jam happened there every Sunday. It is beyond beautiful, even in cloudy weather like at the moment.






whenever I see palm trees I feel like I am on holiday, I think that comes from living in a cold country. Or a bad weather country like Britain.

my other favourite place to go is the beach and the harbour. I often sit at the beach and write into my journal, but this time I didn't have my journal with me.





whenever I see boats I get this insane feeling of freedom.

In the back here you can see the W hotel. It is on my bucket list to stay there one time, but for now I just look at it from the outside.


the last picture of my photo spam, the happy lobster haha.

My Plans

My first and foremost plan is to work really really hard in the dance studio and train till my legs fall off!
other than that I still have a few projects in London that I want to do and have to fly back and forth from.

Unfortunately, the bar I was doing social media for doesn't need me anymore, so I have to live off savings and blockchain.

I am also trying to create a short film, that I can use for a live performance, when I am back and possibly want to record a soundtrack for, and to keep on working on my YouTube channel, which you can find here:

I hope you enjoy this little update, and you will be getting more and more blog posts again now, since I have settled here and don't have that much stress anymore.

this post was originally posted on Hive blockchain, but is entirely my content, and the photos and films have been made with my I phone 11pro. I used premier rush to edit the collage video I posted on dtube and linked here.

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