in hive-167622 •  3 years ago  (edited)

I believe quite a number of persons share in my rather unsavory, and self-inflicted experience in the outgone year, of having tried business activities of varying sorts with the hopes of earning income to meet some necessary ends, but for some reasons the ventures did not yield anticipated returns or even close.

As one who seeks to make progress should do, I had to take a seat and make a very close evaluation of myself in terms of the strategies I employed to approach the different business ventures I got engaged with, and the attitude I used to effect the said strategies. The outcome was to the negative.

I figured I was anything but consistent.
In other words, I barely made serious efforts to finish whatever I started. Whenever I tried anything and it didn't yield a very fruitful result, I soon got discouraged and became lukewarm with a huge weight of restraint to keep trying.

In other cases, while I worked on something, I come across something different and I jump on it, abruptly abandoning the former and gradually forgetting I was even working on it in the first place.

As any sound business mind should have already discerned, such attitude of inconsistency is bound to lead to perpetual failure, loss and waste of time and resources, as well as emotional breakdown.

It really got frustrating to the point I almost gave up trying everything at all. I got so binged on trying to make things work that I ate into the time I had to cater for other important matters.

But all thanks to God who had the patience to endure my beautiful nonsense, and stuck still with me, and helped me realize and acknowledge that I have been getting it wrong the whole time.

It was never the different business lines that had the issue of not working out for me. I was the problem all along. I wasn't consistent with any business I engaged myself. I failed to finish whatever I started.
I had the right strategies in place, but I wasn't patient, focused and committed to see it through to the end.

Now that I have this awareness, I have rearranged my daily routine schedules, and have set a plan on how to go at all of my activities, both business and non-business in a manner that I won't be using one activity to encroach into the time of another.

I have decided to pay close attention to each business lines, and stay focused on working with each to achieve my objective as much as is possible.

I have decided to be consistent and GET IT RIGHT THIS TIME by the grace of God.

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Good posting @ranien, yeah I can really relate with you. Being inconsistent brings a lot of discouragement and failure. I pray you will get it write this time.

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