In this time and age, it amounts to practical folly to convince yourself to learn something that steals a large amount of your time and you're just doing it for fun. There's no material gain coming out of it. Unless of course, you have a solid investment somewhere that fetch you money enough to foot your bills and be of relative financial assistance to others.
There's room for following your passion, I agree. But, there's a greater need for substantially and independently making ends meet.
We don't live in the era where you suffice with one stream of income or grow to a certain age before getting your hands dirty economically.
If there ever was such a time, it used the door long ago, and you should be aware of what's now on board.
You have got to get yourself engaged with a skill. It's not a time to follow just your passion and do whatever makes you emotionally happy. It's a time to make sure that what makes you emotionally happy can also support your financial need. In other words, whatever skill or passion you choose to pursue should have the capacity to profit you and fetch you legit financial gain. Otherwise, you help yourself by putting it completely aside, or paying less attention to it and going for something of greater value, profit-wise.
There's a lot of room for anyone to learn any skill and ample opportunities to earn from it.
All you have to do is to acknowledge your need to grow and get a value for yourself. Then, you go ahead and make sufficient research and ask basic questions with satisfactory answers.
Contrary to what you might think, there's quite a lot of skill you can learn with very little or no financial cost. How best you grow with it actually depends largely on how serious you take the free courses and training and how intuitive and creative you make yourself to discover new things on your own from the foundation that has been laid.
You have to stay focused, committed and consistent, otherwise, you won't get the value for the sacrifice you make.
In the process, you are likely gonna to fail, but don't stop or postpone your efforts. Study your mistakes and learn from it, and keep trying till you get to the point where you start making reasonable profit from it.
Remember, learn for profit, and not for fun.
Wish you success with your efforts by God's grace.