5 Physical Effects of Alcoholic Drinks

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago 
An Alcoholic drink is any beverage or drink that contains ethanol.

Ethanol (C2H5OH) is a colorless organic compound that is capable of relaxing the brain and the muscles when taken moderately. On the other hand, it impairs brain coordination when taken excessively.

Alcohol is really a part of social life in the world today. Many take it regularly for fun, enjoyment or relaxation. It is also being served in many occasions like wedding ceremony and so on.

Alcohol consumption contributes to 3 million deaths each year globally as well as to the disabilities and poor health of millions of people. Overall, harmful use of alcohol is responsible for 5.1% of the global burden of disease.Source

This post is meant to enlighten us on some of the effects of alcohol intake in the body.



Effects of Alcohol on the Body

Alcohol affects the body in so many ways. This post is focused only on some of its Physical effects on the body.
Another post follows that will discuss its psychological effects and some possible solutions.

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Inflammatory Disease

The liver is a very vital part of the body that works to digest and dispose harmful substances in the body.
Alcohol is one of these, therefore, excessive consumption of alcohol weakens the liver and increases your chances of developing liver diseases that end up building up wastes in you body instead of removing them.
Additionally, It can lead to chronic liver inflammation which may entirely damage your liver.

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Affects Sugar Level Coordination

The Pancreas is an organ vital for food digestion and produce a hormone called Insulin that break down of blood sugar. Alcoholic Beverages contain sugar and its excessive intake damages the pancreas or lead to a situation known as Pancreatitis.
This prevents the body from producing the Insulin which manages the sugar.
This leads to too much sugar in the body or even more complicated diseases related to diabetes.
To this effect, Excessive intake of alcohol should be avoided.

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Damages the Digestive System

Overdrinking can damage the tissues in your digestive tract, thereby. preventing your intestines from digesting food or absorbing nutrients and vitamins properly.
This damage can further led to malnutrition.
Moreover, Intake of strong or raw alcohols can lead to internal bleeding in the stomach and possibly death if overlooked or not noticed and treated on time.

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Damages the Circulatory System

Excessive intake of alcohol makes the body vulnerable to diseases which may even affect the heart which is the head office of blood circulation.
This increases your chances of developing chronic heart problems like high blood pressure, stroke, difficulty in pumping blood, heart failure and so on.

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Weakens Immune System

Excessive intake of alcohol weakens your body’s natural immune system. This makes it difficult for the system to fight against and protect you from diseases and viruses.
Heavy and regular intake of alcohol places you at a risk of developing tuberculosis and pneumonia faster.

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Alcoholic drinks look enticing and at times we may enjoy taking them in any quantity.
The truth remains that too much of everything is bad. Alcohol is not exempted.
Therefore, we should try our best to minimize our intake in order to increase our span.

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Thank you for listing out the negative effects of alcohol, now anyone that wants to take it would know not to take it in so much quantity.

That is it @estyroberts. Thanks a lot

Thank you for letting me know the bad effect of alcohol, thank God I have reduced the content that I use to take

That's nice @mesola

I really love this write up my son. Like you've said alcohol is consumed for fun but we realize it has a lot of dangers as you have listed

If you look at our society today about 80% of the world's population is engaged in alcoholism in different forms like drinks and drugs. This posses a lot of problems and seem to be the route of many crime ways we have today.

If we need to be more advanced we need to limit the level of alcohol consumption. Thanks for sharing with us

I so much going through your comment.
Thanks for reading through

@sammylove. Thank you for sharing with us the benefit of moderate alcohol intake.
The disadvantages or effects of overly consumption of alcohol to the body is frightening. Whoever continues to abuse alcohol after reading this post is on his own. Have a nice day. Best wishes.

Absolutely on his own.
Thanks @emjeak

This is a good lecture to all of us, thanks

Thanks for reading through @ijebest

Great post. All these are the physical side effects of taking alcohol yet severely dangerous.

I believe this piece of writing will make those who takes alcohol in excess change their ways

I believe it will too @barnabie

Alcoholic drinks are very harmful when taken in excess as you've shown us through your post @sammylove.

I hope those drunkards out there can join Steemit so as to benefit from such quality eye opening post from you.
Thanks for sharing this tips with us.

Additionally, It can lead to chronic liver inflammation which may entirely damage your liver.

Wow, this is great. But does it mean that people doesn't know these negative effect of alcohol in their lives? If no, @sammylove, what do you think should be done to create awareness to people on this bad effect of alcohol?

Excessive intake of alcohol weakens your body’s natural immune system. This makes it difficult for the system to fight against and protect you from diseases and viruses.
Heavy and regular intake of alcohol places you at a risk of developing tuberculosis and pneumonia faster.

This is absolutely correct. Its true that according to Bible, wine makes the heart of man to rejoice but excessive intake of it can lead one to early grave. @sammylove, always keep us updated