First impression is the occasion where you meet someone for the very first.
The impression made on that first day may take few minutes,but the memory may last forever.
Therefore it's important to make a good first impression.
When you meet someone for the first time.Speak value into them.Praise them.Almost every human being wants to be praised.Dont talk more about yourself.Let them find your achievements themselves.
It is always good to appear decent on a first impression.You don't have to dress expensive.Just appear decent.Remember that the hair style and shoe is part of dressing.
A firm handshake makes for a good impression.Try to avoid a 'bone crushing' handshake.While having a handshake,don't look sideways, rather,look straight into the persons eyes.It shows confidence.
It is also good to call the person by his name,if it happens that you knew the persons name.Every human being likes it when people that they have not met before call them by their name.
To be continued........