in hive-167622 •  2 years ago  (edited)


I had a restless night due to a long walk I took from a park to Ogbor Hill in Aba to clear my head. It worked, but I paid the price by having trouble falling asleep. I woke up this morning looking like the image above. I was able to fall asleep at last, but I ended up waking up at five in the morning. I was actually glued to the bed and didn't want to get up, but I didn't have a choice this morning because I wasn't born with a silver spoon to be sleeping until walking up when I wanted to. I finally get out of bed and give thanks to God for another chance at life. I then did a little exercise and went to the main room to meet the family.

We all gathered for family morning worship and prayer, after which everyone left to complete their morning chores. Because we didn't have enough water that morning, we had to walk to the water station to fill up. When my little brother @jaminsamuel and I arrived at the water point, it was crowded with people who had come for the same purpose. I don't blame them; Monday is a day when everyone stay indoors. Discouraged by the crowd, my brother and I decided to return home with the intention of returning when the crowd thins out.

When I got home, my mother had already made breakfast, which was a blessing because I had been hungry. It was as if she had read my mind. So, my brother and I consume all of the soy milk prepared, and while we wait, we watch anime. We go back to the water station to check on the line after an hour has passed, but they are still there, so we are forced to wait until it is our turn. After waiting for 30 minutes, we finally had the chance to push the water in a barrow. It was exciting but stressful.


Half past twelve, the afternoon was dull because there was no electricity. We sat down and prayed for light as typical Nigerians would, but to no avail. Instead, we laughed and joked. After some time, we got our phones back from the place we paid to charge them. We then played games until a friend of ours came over so we could assist him in making a comedy video. It was enjoyable because it brought some excitement to our otherwise dull day.

After the comedy film, it started to rain, and we all sat down to watch it fall down the concrete floor through the window as we chatted. When the rain eventually stopped, we waved to one another as we took our friend to the gate.


As it began to get dark, everyone began returning home. Mother had gone to the market to buy groceries, and she was cooking my favorite beans when my father finally returned. Once the light was restored, we plugged in our phones and checked our social media accounts.

The food is ready, so after eating, my brother and I went back to our rooms to watch anime until we fell asleep.
Actually, the electricity stayed on for long.

I want to thank @steemalive for providing me the chance to express myself in writing; I actually prefer writing to talking, which is insane, but there are moments I want we could just talk to each other in person by chatting. But that's just me being selfish; have a great evening, everyone.

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You really had a nice day day bro.

Watching some movies are really good.

I can see that you are new here.
