SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub w1 || The Three Reasons Why I Do Not Smoke.

in hive-167622 •  2 years ago 




“ Indulgence in self destruct, and unsafe habits, pose the greatest dilemma of our teeming youths and teenagers”.

Our society is grossly submerged in an ocean of reckless dispositions and negative attitudinal traits [within the subset of the youths and teenagers], that have suffocated our nostrils, and as we gasps for breathe and struggle to be afloat the ocean, the more deeper and deeper we sink in the sea of behavioral quagmire. Who shall save the human race?


  • 1. Chronic Smoking of cigarettes and Indian hemp.

  • 2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

  • 3. Indulgence in pornography.

  • 4. Illicit sexual relationships among teenagers and youths.

  • 5. Internet frauds activities.

  • 6. Hard drug abuses.

  • 7. Street cultism.

I will love to elaborate more on cigarettes and Indian hemp smoking, that are prevalent among the youths and teenagers, in my own area, which is; Ngwa Road axis of Aba, in Abia State of Nigeria.



It was told of a Hindi Indian hunter, who on a certain day went for hunting as his routine was, but unbeknownst to him, it was a day of an encounter for a shocking discovery.

The hunter came across a mind blowing scene, he sighted some number of animals eating grass, and he further observed that as the animals were eating this unique grass, they were at the same time dozing and slumbering, till they are eventually fell asleep.

He pondered for awhile and took some of the grass home, narrated to his wife about the incident, and gave her some of the grass to serve as vegetable for their soup. When the meal was done, they ate and fell asleep for about 24 hours. Their neighbors panicked because they thought the couple were dead.

On awakening from their sleep, the hunter narrated to his community about his discovery. And this was how the wonder grass, became Indian Hemp by nomenclature.


There are several causes of smoking weeds and tobacco products, in the circle of the youths and teenagers, and they are thus:

  • Media influences on the mind of the youths by displaying adverts of celebrities, endorsing and smoking cigarettes. Moreover, the effect of movie scenes that contains make belief billionaires, smoking cigar, cigarettes, pipe and Indian hemp, will affect the behavioral patterns of the youths.

  • Also media interviews of best selling authors of great books, that captured the author smoking pipe, as he answers questions, and sign his autographs, has great impacts on the minds of the youths, especially aspiring writers, they may envisioned it as the way to obtain inspirations for their writing. We learn by what we see and hear, especially when it’s been done by people we have so much respect for.

  • Peer group pressure and influences. The youths by wrong associations especially with those who smokes, will definitely emulate such destructive habits from them.

  • Environmental factors. The prevalent attitudes of the people in a place will grossly influence the lifestyles of the growing youths and teens living there.


Some of the health implications of smoking weeds and tobacco, are outlined below:

  • Lung cancer.

  • Heart diseases.

  • Strokes.

  • High risks of tuberculosis.

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).



  • (1)To be in good health: High consumption of nicotine is injurious to the heart, which could lead to heart diseases and failure, and eventually death.

  • (2)To set a good example for the teenagers and youths in my area, that one obtains good inspirations by studying smartly and prayer, and not via stimulants like cigarettes and Indian hemp.

  • (3)To maintain a sound mind. Most people have gone mad by smoking Indian hemp and some hard drugs, therefore, to avoid such insanity, I do not smoke.


The future of our society lies in the hands of the growing youths and teenagers, therefore, our families, the media, school teachers, leaders, and stakeholders of our society, should endeavour to educate and disciple our teens/youths, on good behavioral patterns, and also on the negative effects of smoking, to save them from its associated and disastrous dangers and health hazards.

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For: Steemalive

You are absolutely right, peer pressure and media influence has made many people get into the habit of smoking. I hope people realize how bad it is before it is too late for them.

Nice publication.

Thanks so much for your encouraging words ❤️💪

You are welcome

@scribal,thank you for this very well detailed post as smoking is not really good to our health and it kills man slowly or leaving the victim with a very dangerous disease.

Thanks for your uplifting words and comments. Blessings @ogwo

Among all, this captured my attention 👇

We learn by what we see and hear, especially when it’s been done by people we have so much respect for.

Do you know that children depends on their parents and believe's that whatever their parents does are the best? I think, parents should also set pattern for their children by not succumbing to pressure. That's excellent.

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Yeah, affirmative in perfect agreement with you. Parents should set a good behavioral patterns for their children to emulate. Thanks for your comments @marajah.

My dear, I have really learnt from this post how Indian hemp came about. That Hunter was inquisitive ooo
Indian hemp has very good uses but it has been misused the wrong way.

Hahahaha, sure the abuse and perverted use of Indian hemp, is the challenge. Thanks for your comments @precious123

As swear, as I have taken the initiative to research about the origination of India hemp, I find the story funny, and your introduction is lit I must say, the media also are apart of the influence of bad behavior in the community

Thanks so much for kind comments. Blessings ❤️🙏

Thanks for the knowledge.

You are highly welcome 🙏❤️.

thanks for sharing.

You're lucky you don't smoke. as you show. The effects of smoking are terrible. and I really don't like the smell and smoke

Is good you decided not to smoke because of your health. Thanks for also showing example.

Everything about smoking is bad, i have never hear testimony of one good thing someone achieved from smoking rather bad news as you mentioned.

Please you don't use all4one tag on your post when you did not make all4one post. Kindly ask @focusnow to assist you on how to make all4one post.

Wow... I learnt something important from your content. That's about the history of Indian Hemp.

When the meal was done, they ate and fell asleep for about 24 hours. Their neighbors panicked because they thought the couple were dead.

That man should be very funny to do such act. How would you take such risk?..😃

Anyways you did well to produce an educative post about Smoking, it's crystal clear smoking shouldn't be encouraged.

Thanks so much for your encouraging words and kind comments. Blessings @prolee

At times it seems very obvious that those , who indulge in smoking. Don't even do know the health implication . Getting to let them come to know by erucating about , health damages caused by smoking . They can get to learn to stay far from smoking.

Definitely, knowledge and information is the key to solving problem. Thanks so much for your encouraging words.