In Igbo land, masquerades are seen as superior beings. When a masquerade is seen in public, they have to be treated with respect because it is believed that they embody both the spirit and human worlds. There’s also a popular theory that the masquerades spring from the soil, making them higher than man, and regarded as such.
Masquerading may require a one-person team or a team of more people which may include vocalists who hail the masquerades, drummers and players who play the instruments, advisers and then, the masquerade itself. Most of these masquerades have a mask on their face and are covered from head to toe with some piece of clothing or/and bamboo rafters.
This masquerade is a very stern one and also fully masculine-featured. They’re typically brisk, aggressive, agile and notorious in their own way. They’re also mainly worn by youths because they’re active masquerades so much so that about two or more strong men are ever around it with a rope that is tied around its waist to draw it back from overacting