Welcome to SteemAlive: Read our basic requirements for all members of our Community!

in hive-167622 •  4 years ago  (edited)



We are really thrilled to see not a few number of new people subscribing to our community. Our progress since recently is really a source of motivation to work harder. This project started less than 3 months ago. Nevertheless, we have achieved significant milestones as we work hard towards our overall vision. So as a new person that just joined @steemalive community, or you wish to join us, We are glad to have you around. We extend a warm welcome to you. To maintain some decency and organization within our community, here are a few basic things we want you to keep in mind.

These 4 things matter to us

1. Activity and Engagement: We care so much about the health of our community. There are two crucial elements that keep any community alive - active members and engagement. So we expect you to be active on Steemit and in our community. This means that you will try to make 1 post each day. At worst, you do not want to allow 2 days to pass without making a post on your page. Apart from helping our community to stay alive, making a post each day also gives you the opportunity to earn everyday. So, if your personal schedule will not allow you to make a post once in 2 days, then you may want to rearrange your affairs in order to meet this requirement. Engagement is another requirement we do not joke with. While making posts is important to us, engagement is one of our top priorities.

The most fundamental way to engage with others is to read their posts and make meaningful comments. This shows you value the work of the author. Because we are growing in numbers - and take engagement serious, we (currently) have 4 smaller teams or groups inside Steemalive. Each team has at least 5 members. The aim is so that members engage with and support each other. You comment on your their posts, and also reply their comments on your own posts. Engagement also means that you join your team chats on Whatsapp and regularly check on how other members are doing. We also expect you to support SteemAlive posts with comments and participate in our weekly contests. You also have to join our general chats on Whatsapp and Discord. For general community chats, we use Whatsapp for four days: Monday - Thursday and Discord for 3 days: Friday to Sunday. That is how we manage to stay active on both platforms. So these are some of the things we want you to do to help SteemAlive stay - alive!!

If you remain active and engage with others, we will give you a community label which appears alongside your username. That label is: SteemAlive Active Member. If you become inactive after efforts have been made to help you stay active, we may remove this label and even withdraw any support we use to give you

2. Recruitment and retaining members: The main reason why this community was set up is to recruit, mentor and retain new members to Steemit. @steemitblog does not play with recruitment, retaining new users and rewarding everyone. We equally take these serious. So as a member of SteemAlive community, we expect you to help us grow by inviting people you know to join us on this platform. So kindly tell your friends, schoolmates, workmates, neighbors, relatives and everyone about Steemit. We even have a program to reward you if you get new users for us. So please, do not keep it to yourself. Advertise Steemit and bring in new people and help us to grow.

3. Content type and Quality: We accept all kinds of content to be published in our community. We especially value original personal stories and educative articles on any subjects. However, we frown at plagiarism. So please, while you can publish any posts on SteemAlive, do not copy and paste other people's work without proper attribution. If you must use a picture, video or text that is not yours, kindly put the source. We do not accept posts that are very short - like one-paragraph posts. Detail makes your work interesting. We also care about formatting your posts to make them easy to read. Please, if you are a new person that just signed up, be sure to complete all the six achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Its a way to learn about Steemit and content creation. One of the achievement posts will teach you how to format your posts and how to avoid plagiarism too.

Note: We forbid you to post any promotions, adverts or other marketing campaigns on our WhatsApp and discord chat groups. We will quickly remove you without further warning if you were found spamming the group with content outside of Steemit.

Please these requirments should guide you as you create and publish content in SteemAlive.

4. Relationship with other members: SteemAlive was started with users mainly from Nigeria. However, we are growing and rapidly expanding. We now have members from other countries such as Cameroon, Parkistan, India, Venezuela, etc. Therefore, we want our members to respect and value each other. Please do not use hate speech or talk to someone in a way to bring them down. Avoid harsh words and do not degrade anyone because of their skin color, language, social status or educational background. We are one big, happy and united family. And please, do not ask or pressure any of our member to get involved in illegal activity. We will investigate and take seriously any reports of rude or illegitimate behavior from anyone.

Sign this document

If you have read the requirements above and you are can fulfill them, kindly sign this document. To sign it, copy and paste the text below under the comment section of this post:

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.


Get to know Steemalive

You can learn more about SteemAlive and get in touch with us through the following channels at the bottom of this publication.


We want to remain friends and make sure our commnity stays decent. We want to grow together, connect with and support each other. We cannot achieve that if we leave many things to chances. That is why these basic requirments will help all of us have some sort of direction and organization as members of SteemAlive commnity. Thank you in advance for adhering to these conduct guidelines and accepting to work us. We are grateful for the things you will do for Steemalive and wish you success in your journey on this amazing platform and community.

Written by: @focusnow
For: SteemAlive Community


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I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@steemalive (61) i agree with you, forward ever,back ward never

@jacci. Progress is our culture. No parking, no stopping, keep moving!!!!

Nice one and i would be looking forward to bring more people here in this community :)

@haidermehdi. We are happy with all you have done for SteemAlive community. Thank you so much.

I am Equally happy my friends :)

It's great to have some rules here, it's gonna help our community to thrive with limited effort from the admins. Great move @stremalive.

Can I just start or there's something I need to do first to qualify?

Can I just start or
There's something I need to do
First to qualify?

                 - fredkese

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.


Join us on WhatsApp. You are qualified.

Thank you. The WhatsApp number again?

@steemalive, nice article.
It is good we spell out what we are known for, because sooner or later there will be a massive inflow of people into the community.
Thanks for sharing.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@talktofaith. Thank you so much. Full membership activated

@focusnow this is great as these measures will go along way to shape the concept of our community to greatness.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

This is so explicit and straight to the point. The rules are easily understood and can be followded by everyone.
Steemalive we rock 💪💪💪

@craxywriter. Thank you so much. Full membership activated

I pledge to abye by the rules and regulations of steemalive.com

@enjohenjoh we are glad to have here as member. Hope this rules bind us for as long as possible

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@njiatanga. Thank you so much. Full membership activated.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.


@beckie96830. Thank you so much. Full membership activated

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@chinonso1 Thank you so much. Full membership activated

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@doppley. Thank you so much. Full membership activated

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@tenguhatanga Thank you so much. Full membership activated

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

Thank you sir for this wonderful guidelines @steemalive

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@boss75, thank you so much. Membership activated.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I @eldecor I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@eldecor. Full membership activated

Thanks @steemalive for activating my membership

He leído y comprendido los requisitos para obtener la membresía total de SteemAlive Community. Acepto cumplir con estos términos. Haré todo lo posible para contribuir al crecimiento de SteemAlive y ayudar a lograr su noble visión.

Gracias por aceptarme. Me alegra e ilusiona poder pertenecer a esta comunidad. Espero estar a la altura del compromiso de la misma...

Si quieres conocerme un poco más visita mi publicación de presentación en Steem atreves de este enlace

Hasta la próxima...

Hello Steemians. I think I'm ready to start activity in Steem Alive:

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

So what do I do next?

I am agree with rules totally. And I want to become a member of this great community.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.


I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

Thank you so much this was super helpful... I'm new here so it really means a lot.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I have read and understood the requirement to attain full membership of Steemit Alive . I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth Steemit and help to achieve it's noble vision.
Up Steemit.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

Nice article @focusnow really appreciate this, atleast it will save us the stress of explaining to our new recruits about the rules and guidelines of steemalive community and also the entire steem blockchain. Its really helpful to me. Thanks for compiling this post. Please lets try and abide the above stated rules.

Thanks once again..

@bright-obias. We hope this will enhance the organization we already have within our community. Thank you so much for accepting them.

The guideline realy help me alot

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

Thank you so much for this @focusnow. I'll try to apply all the rules mentioned above and try to become an inspiration for others @steemalive.
I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

#steemalive #pakistan #onepercent #twopercent

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I @mato445 have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.


I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@justinparke. Congratulations. We have accepted you as our member. Here is our WhatsApp group chat. Join us there and wait to be announced officially as a member of SteemAlive.


I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have one question though. I can be quite active, post per day or 2 days, comment etc etc you can clearly see that by the number of my posts under my account ;)

Due to my work Schedule and my time it is too much for me to be active on whatsapp, i can be a little active in Discord though. Will you consider this a problem?

have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I think I can do with one post every 2 days. Thanks for the encouragement. I'll do my best!!

I'm only on my 1st achievement though. XD

Stay safe, stay warm! xx


@sarahraudhah. We accept you as our newest member. Congratulations. Join us here in WhatsApp and contact the admin @focusnow to welcome.you to the group.


I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

We have approved your application. Contact the admin for further instructions:
Whatsapp: +2347068083143
Discord: focusnow#1571

Right hand on bible and left hand up I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision. I will do my best

We have approved you. Chat me up on WhatsApp for further direction. 07068083143. @enragedfreezer

I don’t have that app do you have line?

Which app do you use for chatting

Glad to be here just joining up for the first time will take my time and explore the community I've read the terms and rules hope to stay more active in here.

These rule are what is expect for the group to grow, so thanks for the guildline, i will abide by them.

I have read and understood all the rules and regulations of the community and am ready and willing to abide by it

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read it and like to be a member

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

Chat me up on Whatsapp. 07068084143. @imaluv54

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Noted sir . I will personally try to apply the rules especially in the area of new recruits. Thank you our able admin @focusnow for emphasising on these rules.
I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

#steemitconnection #steemalive #onepercent #nigeria

@ngoenyi. We glad this will be helpful to everyone. Thank you for being our active member.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

If you are on Whatsapp, kindly chat the admin up on +2347068083143. @mamangkom

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

He leído y comprendido los requisitos para obtener la membresía total de SteemAlive Community. Acepto cumplir con estos términos. Haré todo lo posible para contribuir al crecimiento de SteemAlive y ayudar a lograr su noble visión. Excelente comunidad espero compartir y cumplir las reglas...
#steemalive #betterlife #steemexclusive #venezuela

@karelys5318. You can contact the admin on Whatsapp for further instructions: +2347068083143

Sign this document
If you have read the requirements above and you are can fulfill them, kindly sign this document. To sign it, copy and paste the text below under the comment section of this post:

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision

muchas gracias, @steemalive me quiero incorporar a su comunidad. desde mi amada Venezuela

@angelva. You can contact the admin on Whatsapp for further instructions: +2347068083143

requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@chuksemmaokonz. You can contact the admin on Whatsapp for further instructions: 07068083143

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

Perfect write up @focusnow, this rules will definitely guide us to grow as a family and increase the bond between us all as well. Let's all stick by these rules .......i love steemalive.


We love you too @njiatanga. You have been an excellent example of hardwork and commitment. We hope these rules will take us a step further towards achieving our vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

Chat up the SteemAlive admin on 07068083143. @ihorgic

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

@cathy14. You can contact the admin on Whatsapp for further instructions: 07068083143

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understand the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community.I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help to achieve it's noble vision.

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision

I have read and understood the requirements to attain full membership of SteemAlive Community. I agree to abide by these terms. I will do my best to contribute to the growth of SteemAlive and help achieve it's noble vision.