The countdown has begun

in hive-167622 •  3 years ago 


Today, even the exceptionally choose are wandering from the flock of the Good Shepherd. Satan is attacking our faith from all angles, and some brethren have been hit by his bolts, making their love wax cold.

The faith of some others has beed shipwreck and their love is presently aimed at the pleasures of this world.

Those things that ought not be mentioned in the house of God are presently being celebrated on certain pulpits.

There are currently a more lovers of pleasure in the Church than lovers of God. We are in dire times surely.

In this advanced age where individuals are truly learning yet always unable to go to the knowledgel on truth, believers should watch against satanic wiles and temptations.

We should stay away from all types of false doctrine being spread by Satan and his agents in the Church. Let us to stay in the simple gospel of Jesus, which can see us through to the very end.

There are false teachers rising up each day with various types of teachings and beliefs, utilizing their influence to spread incorrect teaching to unsuspecting believers. Stay away from such people and reject their teachings.

Let us to run with the message of the genuine gospel to all aspects of the world, reminding people that the people who are not on the Lord's side on the last day will confront eternal damnation.

Let us do the work of an evangelist, which incorporates pursuing those individuals wandering from the group of Christ. These are the people who began well however have gotten consume by the cares of this world and the trickery of wealth.

The signs of the second coming to Christ are every day being fulfill directly in front of us. All together not to be gotten unprepared, we should set ourselves up every day through self-assessment.

The enemy of our soul is out there looking for how to eat up us, and we should not permit him to shorten our destinies. We should not account for the flesh and we should put out all works of darkness around us.

As you occupy in the Lord's service until He returns, be wise and circumspect in all your endeavours. Most importantly, consistently be fully ready for the second happening to our Lord Jesus Christ.

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