Diary Game | Better Life | 13th August, 2021

in hive-167622 •  4 years ago 

Diary entry 2.png
Source: canva

Throwing the Garbage Bag

The very first thing I did today was to go and throw the garbage bag where the waste from our house is thrown inside. The garbage bag was very full and it was time to dispose of it. There is a wheelbarrow in place which is used to carry garbage bag. The wheelbarrow enables anyone trying to throw their garbage away to do so easily by putting the garbage on it, and then push to where the garbage bag is disposed off.

Dirt on wheelbarrow.jpg
Garbage bag on wheelbarrow what3words

I put the bag on the wheelbarrow. Then I pushed the wheelbarrow to the location where the community waste bin is stationed. It felt like an endless journey as I laboriously pushed the wheelbarrow from my home gate all the way down to where the community waste bin is stationed. What even made this task worse is the fact that the route leading to waste bin is sloping upwards. I managed to push the wheelbarrow with the garbage bag on top of it to the waste bin. When i got to the waste bin, i threw the garbage bag in there. Immediately after that, I pushed the wheelbarrow back home. I got home entered into my compound, rinsed the wheelbarrow with water, and then returned it in its usual spot. Finally, I washed my hand with soap and water, then I rinsed my feet.

Community Bin.jpg
Community Bin what3words

After disposing off the garbage bag and rinsing the wheelbarrow, I got into the house and swept the floor of the living room, my bed room, and the kitchen. Then I cleaned the table and the whole of the TV stand in the living room too.

While sweeping the floor and also cleaning the table and TV stand I was sweating profusely and my skin became sticky. This made me feel very unpleasant. So when I was through with sweeping and cleaning, I went to have a nice warm shower. As I scrubbed my body and poured water on my skin to wash of the lager from the soap along with the dirt on my body i could feel my skin becoming new again. It gave me a wonderful sensation.

The Rest of The Day

I stepped out of the house and headed towards the cyber cafe (office). I go there with my laptop to create posts and also to work on my graphics design skills. That's where I spend most of my time in.
I worked on a lot of graphics designing tool, and designed many images. Some were good but most of it were not good, but I know that I'm still in the learning phase and i will only get better.

After doing some work on the designs i created, i also took the time to practice on my writing skills. I consider this very important to me because it would help me improve on the contents i produce in @steemalive community and other communities in steemit, it would also aid me to become a good communicator.
So i wrote as much as i could write, then i edited the write up by removing some irrelevant things. So far so good i feel i'm getting better. I was in the cyber cafe till in the evening when I eventually became exhausted and decided to go back to the house, it is not easy but i kind of enjoyed it.

On my way to the house, I stopped by a betting shop that can be found on the road leading to my house. There's a female friend of mine I went to greet. I sometimes stop by at the betting shop to greet her and also gist with her.

Female friend in betting shop.jpg
Female friend what3words

We got talking and i could see her just smiling and rubbing her lips, i asked why and she told me she just finished eating sharwama. We talked at length. But as we were talking i noticed she was very busy. A lot of customers were coming in to play games. The customers were much so i had to leave her to focus on them. So i left her and went straight to the house.

I got to the house, removed my clothes and went straight to the kitchen to get me something to eat. After eating i just lay on the bed to relax and press my phone.

Thank for staying tuned!

Much love and appreciation to the founder of SteemAlive Community and the admin.


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Nice one

such a good write-up you have here!

P.s: you've got a beautiful friend too😄

Thank you @demzy.

Yes she's beautiful that's why I get to talk to her.