Location: Immaculate aba
Date: 10/02/2021
Time: 08:46pm
Diary game.
Dear diary,
How was your day and I hope it was fine, mine was not fine before but right now am okay and fine because the grace of God safe me today.
I woke up today at about 05:03am, and I said my morning prayer and also read my bible, then start preparing for work today.
i left my house at about 07:08am, the trekking down to immaculate Junction, then enter keke that is going to my destination, that Cameroun road.
Reaching my office was around 07:29am,
And the are busy washing all the vehicles in the office against today's movement.
Then around 12:12pm, I was send an errand to go and buy bread from market square and just one loaf of bread.
And after buying the bread I return back to my office, and continue my work.
And then around 05:54pm, I close work for today and enter that is going to my destination that is immaculate Junction and on our way back we nearly have a accident today but the grace of God save us and after that meet traffic jam,
Well thank God that I was able to reach my house without no accident am grateful.
CONCLUSION: I thank God for his grace and protection upon my life am grateful.
I also appreciate the wonderful efforts of: