The diary game season 3 :How my day went //03-05-2021 by @vickyvin

in hive-167622 •  4 years ago 

Good evening everyone hope your day went well, my was fine I woke up by 5:15 a.m and said my prayers and then went to the kitchen and boild water to take my bath, why the water was on the fire I quickly washed my dishes and brushed my teeth, why I was done the hot water was ready so I mixed it with cold water and then took my bath after bath I dressed up and prepared for work
On my way to work,the road was free today no traffic guess was because of the public holiday today



I got to my workplace by7:55am started my every day routine of shading our goods outside, before I could finish the rain started



Me at my workplace



After work today on my way going back to the house I stopped by in a fast-food and brought moi moi and salad with goat meat for dinner, so when I got home and quickly took a warm shower and then ate my moi moi and salad with goat meat

Right now am feeling sleepy already, will call it a day for today, am on bath already

Thanks for reading through

Best regards

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Atleast yesterday was not really stressful


That moment you bring out your goods only for the rain to start😩. @vickyvin