My diary game for 24/1/2021
Good afternoon guys and wishing
you a happy Sunday. It will be nice to
share my today experience with you.
Happen to wake up by 6 am and we
did our morning devotion. After the
devotion, I had to prepare for church
but unknown to me there was no wa-
ter to bath in the house. So l went in
sharch of where to get water but to
no avail. So I thought of staying at
home since no means of getting wa-
ter. Than I and my junior ones than
began to Play and catch fun as you
can see below;
Luckily for me a friend stoped by to
call me for us to go to church toge-
ther. Than I told him my challenge of
lack of water. Him than showed me a
means to get water, although he could
no wait for me any longer since he was
already late for church. Luckily I was
able to get the water, I than hurried
took my bath and rushed to church.
Although arrived very late, but I was
so happy I was able to make it today
to church, and am back now. I have
now learnt a lesson of making prepa-
ration for something before the time
of use. Thanks