The Lost Year: Crypto & Equities Crash | An Opportunity or Just the Beginning? - Steemleo Show #22

in hive-167922 •  4 years ago 

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Today marked another major downturn for both equities and cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is down over 25% and equities are down over 7% as of this recording.

We are at the beginning of a long-term stay-at-home economy. The potential impact of COVID-19 on businesses, employees, entrepreneurs, investors and everyone else is unknown at this point.

It’s hard to say whether we’re going to see crypto/bitcoin develop as a safe haven asset or if we’ll see it follow the rest of the markets as people panic sell into cash to stave off potential risk.

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In This Episode:

  • Bitcoin is too young to be a safe haven from traditional markets
  • Potential opportunity to spread your exposure
  • Long-term thinking versus short-term thinking
  • The lost year
  • The economy is propped up on thin air and poor monetary policies
  • Staying safe and how I’m approaching this market

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Th oil plunge broke the dam. You will see oil shale companies go into default, banks that loan those oil companies go into default which will cascade into corporate bonds / high yield / junk bonds go belly up. There will be a relief rally which will give those an opportunity to get out.

Posted via Steemleo

Crazy time to be alive. I'll definitely continue to pick your brain in the Steemleo discord ;)

Posted via Steemleo

Just the beginning 🩸💉

Haha totally agree. A lot of people think this is just a blizzard when we are at the start of a winter season. It will take time, patience and a lot of will to get through this.

Posted via Steemleo