3/20/2020 Trading Futures Update - PMs, S&P500, Crypto-ALL UP

in hive-167922 •  4 years ago 

Triple Witching Friday, we will see wild volatility today in the markets as weekly, monthly and quarterly futures & options settle today. With all the wild swings in the markets these last three weeks, anything goes.

Precious metals has rebounded yesterday, including the senior and junior miners. Silver showing a nice rebound off the PAPER LOWS, not the physical market, as silver is rare, no one is selling at this paper low.

S&P500 and the DOW are rebounding as the DOW exceeded a 1.618 drop, signalling a bounce in a down market. Sell the RIP. Fair value is at 7.39, signalling a negative to the opening bis as compared to the fair value.

Crypto rising, steem at #46, down 9%, priced at $0.2817

Keep stacking. Go get you some.

Numbers are multiplying, deaths over 10K

Thanks for following @RollingThunder

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Getting to be normally abnormal markets, let's what will happen with the Hardfork.

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