First Look - Futures Trading - SUnday Night - PMs-Up, S&P - Limit Down

in hive-167922 •  4 years ago 

First look at the futures market in the Far East are limit down - 5% down.

Kongress are fighting over their pet project on WHO will get the Trillions of FREE MONEY....But as you know, nothing is FREE when we deal with Government.

Precious metals and the USD are up this morning, another signal as people are running to metals, even crypto is down. Silver is up a percentage higher than gold this morning. As predicted, emerging markets are struggling with the massive rise in the dollar.

Stawks limit down - Kongress, COV-19, you take your pick.......GAP DOWN
Fair value at 4.52, a negative to the open.

Crypto, BTC under 6K, dominance at 65%.....Crypto down 6-8%....Safe Haven but you'all keep HODLing
Steem at #57, only down a percent

Keep stacking. Go get you some.

Thanks for following @RollingThunder

Posted via Steemleo

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