A Letter to Mr. Justin Sun about decentralized finance potential on Steem.

in hive-167922 •  5 years ago  (edited)


I am writing to inquire about the development of decentralized finance on the Steem blockchain. As you know the Steem blockchain currency is Steem, and the Steem Stablecoin the Steem Backed Dollars or SBD. —————————-/——————————————While Steemit is one of the most famous applications, other applications exist here and interesting constructions like the Steem side chain Steem-Engine. It is on the Steem-Engine side chain that the code for SMT was tried out and over 100 new Frontend with new Tokens were developed. Equally importantly a new game blockchain based game called Steem Monsters was created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt and it later renamed the popular game Splinterlands. This game has become the number one decentralized blockchain application by activity on the State of the DApps website, which rates applications by user activity. This same website lists applications from Ethereum and EOS.————————————————————A recent development on the Steem-Engine side chain is nonfungible tokens. These tokens resemble specific nonfungible type ERC Tokens traded on the Ethereum blockchain. The Ethereum blockchain is a huge success, by most standards, but commercial transactions on the Ethereum blockchain cost Ether and the transaction volume is so high that transaction times can be prolonged. The success of Ethereum has led to competitors offering similar services, and similar smart contracts. But the unique thing about Steemit and the Steem blockchain is a large community of developers, users, free and fast transactions and a graphene blockchain which allows the Steem blockchain to scale above Ethereum. ———————————————————-If you add your developers, cash, your social media presence and powerful ability to promote Steem we could see development of an entity here like MakerDao on Ethereum, which is doing 1.5 billion in monthly volume of collateralize debt obligations CBO with collateralize debt products CDP produced on the Ethereum blockchain with technology we have here. I think you would agree that potential for earning money from Decentralized finance is immense. And potential many times larger then your already very substantial investment. ———————————————————/——-But one of the keys here is the DeFi is scalable in size of the CDP and CDO, and assets are varied. So the diverse population of Steemians control a variety of assets of a wide range of prices, making this profit making path open to people with small amounts of capitol. The beauty of this from a business sense is that this opens up the investment opportunity to a much larger number of people and so it’s nature aids its success. Plus the Community here is passionate about both the blockchain and making money. ——————————————If your expert associates research Tokenization they will see an very large developing market that uses digitization of assets to unlock equity in high priced real estate like luxury resorts or expensive pieces of art. The number of people who can buy this real estate or art at prices in the millions is few. But using Tokenization to achieve fractional ownership allows the owners to receive cash for their equity and by selling less then 50% of its value through Tokens and fractional ownership they can get cash and maintain control of these assets. Additionally nonfungible tokens allow investors to tokenize securities like treasury bonds at their maturity face value and borrow money against these assets to invest in other assets or to loan out. This credit facility allows investors to make money and money lenders to make money. These mechanisms are the underlying principle behind the Ethereum MakerDao and it’s multi-billion dollars in business. —————————I am not a coder or developer, I instead see the business use case and study that and I think you have a great talent for that and promotion. That is the reason for this letter, to help you see the potential here and encourage you to consider if giving up a portion of your Steemit Inc Steem to fund the Steemit development vehicle would potentially be a small price to pay to be the owner of the equivalent of the MakerDao on the Steem blockchain and an investor in other entities like Splinterlands, which have great profit potential and frontends like Steemleo. I ask that you consider these things purely from a business perspective. The potential for gaming and decentralized finance is very big.
我正在写信询问Steem区块链上去中心化金融的发展。———— 如您所知,Steem区块链货币是Steem,Steem Stablecoin是Steem支持的美元或SBD。尽管Steemit是最著名的应用程序之一,但这里还存在其他应用程序以及诸如Steem侧链Steem-Engine之类的有趣构造。在Steem-Engine侧链上试用了SMT代码,并开发了100多个带有新令牌的新Frontend。同样重要的是,@ aggroed和@yabapmatt创建了一个新的基于区块链的游戏,名为Steem Monsters。该游戏后来更名为流行的游戏Splinterlands。该游戏已成为DApps网站上按活动划分的排名第一的去中心化区块链应用,按用户活动对应用进行评分。该网站还列出了以太坊和EOS的应用程序。 Steem-Engine侧链的最新发展是不可替代的代币。这些代币类似于在以太坊区块链上交易的特定的不可替代的ERC代币。———- 以大多数标准来看,以太坊区块链是一个巨大的成功,但是以太坊区块链上的商业交易使以太坊付出了代价,并且交易量如此之大以至于可以延长交易时间。以太坊的成功导致竞争对手提供类似的服务和类似的智能合约。但是Steemit和Steem区块链的独特之处在于开发人员,用户,免费和快速交易的庞大社区以及石墨烯区块链,该区块链使Steem区块链可以扩展到以太坊之上。如果您增加开发人员,现金,社交媒体的影响力和强大的能力来促进Steem,我们可以在这里看到以太坊上的MakerDao之类的实体的发展,该实体每月做抵押抵押债务CBO的量为15亿,债务抵押产品CDP的生产在以太坊区块链上使用我们拥有的技术我想您会同意从分散式金融中赚钱的潜力是巨大的。潜力比您已经非常可观的投资大许多倍。但是,这里的关键之一是DeFi在CDP和CDO的大小上是可扩展的,并且资产是多种多样的。因此,不同的Steemians人口控制着价格范围广泛的各种资产,从而使这种赚钱的道路向国会大厦数量少的人开放。从商业角度来看,这样做的好处是,这为更多的人打开了投资机会,因此,自然有助于它的成功。—————- 另外,这里的社区对区块链和赚钱都充满热情。如果您的专家研究Tokenization,他们将看到一个很大的发展中市场,该市场使用资产数字化来解锁高价房地产(如豪华度假村或昂贵艺术品)中的股权。能够以数百万美元的价格购买这种房地产或艺术品的人数很少。但是,使用令牌化来实现部分所有权可以使所有者获得其权益的现金,并通过令牌和部分所有权出售其价值的不到50%的现金,即可保持对这些资产的控制权。此外,不可替代的代币允许投资者以国库券的票面价值对证券(例如国债)进行代币化,并针对这些资产借款以投资其他资产或借出资金。这种信贷便利使投资者可以赚钱,而放债人可以赚钱。这些机制是以太坊MakerDao背后的基本原理,其业务价值数十亿美元。我不是编码人员或开发人员,而是查看业务用例并进行研究,我认为您在此方面具有很强的才能和晋升能力。这就是发出这封信的原因,它可以帮助您看到此处的潜力,并鼓励您考虑是否放弃Steemit Inc Steem的一部分来为Steemit开发工具提供资金可能是付出很小的代价才能成为所有者。相当于Steem区块链上的MakerDao以及Splinterlands等其他实体的投资者,这些实体具有巨大的获利潜力和Steemleo等前端。我要求您纯粹从业务角度考虑这些事情。博彩和去中心化金融的潜力非常大.

✍️ written by Shortsegments.

Source Dao




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what an awesome letter,it would be nice if he listens to what was written on the letter @shortsegments

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Hi @carona
Thank you for the compliment.
I am hoping he will read it 🤞


@shortsegments he might read it and not act on it,but if he is a wise and intelligent man i expect him to read it and make sure he acts on it because the letter contains the truth which he really needs to make use of.....

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Please use paragraphs :)

Hi @cardboard
I know it’s painful, but the columns markdown code I am using doesn’t allow paragraphs.

If you use them the right side column is pushed down to the far right after the left column ends.

I have inserted dashed lines to break up the text, so it has some breaks.

I don’t know how fix it, but if you have a fix I would love to try it.

Thank you.


Ahh, I see. Maybe it's gonna be fixed one day :)

Yeah. But thanks for pointing it out. I will figure out other ways to space things out.

Thank you Very much for your support!

Thank you for writing this letter to Mr Sun. I hope he reads it.

The MakerDao is an incredible opportunity. You should write more posts explaining how different assets in different countries and different economies can be digitalization/ tokenized into CDP collateralized debt products. Then explain how small investors can profit.

This could be revolutionary, something which makes money for a Bank and it’s customers. A DeFi bank of course, like the MakerDao!

Maybe that could be your next post! Name the Steem MakerDao!


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Thank you for your comment.

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Oh, cool to discover you are Chinese behind this avatar. ;)

LOL 😂 🤣

Hi @chesatochi

I don’t know if Mr Justin Sun will ever read my letter to him, but I wanted to make it easier by using Google Translate to explain my ideas in Chinese. I hope it is understandable. I know some ideas can be hard to translate to another language.

But I wanted to do something to explain why I think the Steem community should be saved in a business man’s words.



i see justin sun as someone who can sometimes be arrogant and would not want to really listen to corrections,i hope he listens to what was written in this awesome letter by @shortsegments

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!giphy great+job

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