Be smart... Buy gold coins under their SPOT price!

in hive-167922 •  5 years ago 


2020 is going to be a very busy year for Mrs Welshstacker and myself. In a little over 2 weeks will be expecting the birth of baby number 2.

To mark the occasion the onky way I know how, I'm going to buy our expectant daughter a sovereign of the year of her birth, after all 1/2pint already has one.


GOLD has always been a very smart, long term investment. I can't stress highly enough how important it is to have PRECIOUS METALS as part of any future planning/investment strategy.


It doesn't take a genius to see that the price of gold has continued to increase in value against fiat over the past 20+yrs, and as currencies continue to devalue, all over the globe, the purchasing power of this shiny yellow metal will only continue to increase.

Think I'm being foolish, or misinformed?? Do your own due diligence and simply look at what central banks and world governments are storing away for when the SHTF!



Is it any coincidence that since that I'll fated day back in 2008, the world's central banks have been buying up gold like its going out of fashion.....? And the pace at which they are now buying it all up is only increasing.


OK, so I may or may not have convinced you to buy gold as a hedge against inflation or as a way of saving your purchasing power for the next time the SHTF, but at9let me show you how I plan on picking up some gold under its own melt value (spot).


** The sovereign is a gold coin of the United Kingdom, with a nominal value of one pound sterling. Struck from 1817 until the present time, it was originally a circulating coin accepted in Britain and elsewhere in the world; it is now a bullion coin and is sometimes mounted in jewellery. In most recent years, it has borne the well-known design of Saint George and the Dragon on the reverse; the initials (B P) of the designer, Benedetto Pistrucci, are visible to the right of the date.

Nationally treasured and globally recognised, the gold sovereign is an incredibly "safe bet" when purchasing gold. Its size, gold content and recognition the world over makes it an ideal investment piece.

The weight of a gold Sovereign is 7.98 grams, with a pure gold content of 7.32240 grams. The remaining weight is copper, which gives Sovereign coins their distinctive reddish hue. All Sovereigns have a fineness of 916.7/1000, this percentage of gold means Sovereigns are 22-carat purity.

So to calculate the value of scrap metal in a sovereign, at any given time we simply need to multiply SPOT PRICE by WEIGHT OF GOLD:


AT TIME OF WRITING the price of a gram of gold was £38.236. So to find out the true price of a gold sovereign, we take that figure and multiply it by the weight of gold in the coin -

38.236 X 7.3224 = £279.98


By following THIS LINK, it will take you to a coin dealer, here in the UK, where you can currently buy 2020 sovereigns for £279 (Inc FREE delivery).

This is by far the cheapest place I've seen these coins. Not only are they guaranteed to be in brilliant uncirculated (BUNC) condition, offer a 30 day money back guarantee, but this is a company I TRUST.

Unfortunately it's only a maximum of 3 per household, and at that price I'll be getting my full quota.

Don't delay, at this price they won't stick around for very long and the offer can end at any time.


Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors
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I am sad for not living in the UK. Do they send free to Canada?

Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors

I will check this out and see if they will send to the US! We actually have the same deal for AGEs accorded to first-time customers of a certain bullion dealer. As in every year, I have the GB Sovereign gold coin in my standing wish list!

Gold under spot free shipping. SCORE

I'm buying 3, then sending another 3 to my mum and dad's and then selling them on ebay.

A Sovereign is already a beautiful part of my wearable stack.

Posted using Partiko Android

So nice, you shared it twice?

I think my Partiko is done.
It now has a mind of it's own.
I have a Vickey Sov 1898 too.

The Mrs is going to like this @kerrislravenhill, she has these as earrings! So nice my friend!!!😊👍🤗

Do they deliver to the 🇺🇸

Such a very smart thing to do @welshstacker!!!👍😊
One of my very favorite Gold coins, how can you go wrong with this beauty!
I wonder if they will ship free to the US?🤔
Congratulations in advance on the birth of your daughter!!!!!🤗👍🎂

A Sovereign is already a beautiful part of my wearable stack.

Posted using Partiko Android

Epic little Sov. 1911 a rare year? You see a mint mark or is it just London?

I think it is minted in Canada or it would have a little "H" for London's Heaton Mint.

Delivery only in the UK :(
But great idea to buy gold for the little one. I bought some bitcoin for my daughter in 2012 and she doesn't have to worry about paying for her first year of college now :0

Had one year ago an ex made me sell, 1913 wish I hadn't now. Oh well a nice touch for you daughter congrats 💯🐒

Hard to argue with those figures, or Saint George. He's long dead, and its only a picture of him.

Nice one. I don't have any sovs but similarly have put aside a few coins for my girls too.

Congratulations on the soon to be born baby girl! Excellent choice to commemorate her birth! Have a wonderful night!🤗🎊