Contest: Free write and comment contest.

in hive-168072 •  last month  (edited)


Greetings beautiful ladies,

Welcome to another beautiful contest in the community and the announcement for “My saddest day winners contest”

This is a free write and comment contest geared to promote engagement amongst the ladies steemians. The contest is all about writing your wish for the year. What are your wishes for the year. It’s ok to dream and make wishes for wishes can become horses, so I believe cos you never know who is watching or listening.

Points to note:

  • This is a free write and comment contest, you do not need to make a post, simply write whatever you want as a comment under this post. It can be as as long as you want but ensure it’s more than 50 words
  • Tag three of your friends to join the contest under your comment.
  • You can choose to write a fresh comment or You can express yourself under someone’s comment if you want to contribute to what the person wrote about.
  • This contest ends on Friday 24th January and the users with the best and quality comments will be rewarded.


1st Place: Booming vote
2nd Place: Booming vote
3rd Place: 2 steem power
4th place: 2 steem power


  • Entries to this contest are open to Ladies only
  • Post your comment under the contest post, you do not need to write a different post.
  • Comment must be at least 50 words. Comments should be written in English only.
  • Plagiarism, AI content, and abusive commemts are not allowed.
  • Do not use any Upvote bot services
  • Vote and resteem this post for others to see.
  • Tag three of your LADY friends under your comment to join the comment contest

The contest ends on Friday 24th January 23:59 UTC and the decision of the Steem For Ladies team is final.

Winners for My saddest day contest

Thank you to everyone who participated in “My saddest day contest”. There were so many touching and interesting stories. My heart felt sympathy goes out to everyone of us who have lost dear ones, father, mothers, siblings and those close to us. I pray God gives you the strength and fortitude to bear your loss. Thank you so much for letting us into that part of your life.

So many amazing stories and below are the winners.

NamePost linkReward
@leigth vote
@isgledysduarte vote
@meehu steem power
@shehnaaz steem power

Extra 1 steem power each goes to @ogechukwu-martha and @wuddi.

Please the winners should ensure they have active posts in the community for their booming prize.

Steem power prizes sent

Thank you so much, please keep making quality posts and we can’t wait to see our engagement in the comment contest. Let’s get commenting.

10% to @steemladies


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Wishing all the Steemians good health, success, and prosperity in their lives. I’m so thankful to mam @alexanderpeace for announcing this innovative and unique contest where we get a chance to share a bucket list and also experience other Steemian's expectations towards the future.

To reach the pinnacle of success and progress in life, one must have dreams. Dreams are the seeds of possibilities that inspire us and challenge us to reinvent ourselves. Beautiful and successful dreams are the biggest resource for us to move forward. Our dreams may be very difficult or big, but they are never impossible to make them a reality. To fulfill our dreams, we have to study hard, work hard, and be determined.

My wishes for this new year -

🟪 My family is my small world. No matter how far away the family members are, I will try my best to communicate every week or spend a few hours together, which will make the relationships between us stronger and stronger. Last year from one incident I realized it deeply on this earth our life is very fleeting if I lose any members of my little world nothing will replace them.

🟧 My journey on the Steemit platform has been going on for one and a half years. Alhamdulillah, I have been able to achieve a lot of affection and support from this renowned platform. So this year I will do my best to be a successful Steemian like some of the iconic Steemians.

🟥 I love traveling a lot. So I have planned to travel to three of the best places in our country this year - St. Martin's Island, Sajek Valley, and Kuakata with my family.

🟩 I want to create a small food stall. Where I will have different types of snack items made by my own hands. I want to donate the entire profit from this food stall to a madrasa or orphanage.

I want to invite some of my closest ladies Steemian - @suryati1, @bimanakhan, @kuhinoor and @paholags to this beautiful competition and I am eagerly waiting to know their dreams for 2025 through this contest.

MasyaAllah sungguh mulia cita-cita mu temanku, semoga Allah SWT mengabulkan apa yang menjadi harapanmu, saya hanya bisa mengirimkan doa semoga anda sehat dan bahagia selalu 🌹

Terima kasih sayangku!!! Aku percaya doa-doamu akan bekerja bagaikan keajaiban untuk kesuksesanku. Semoga Allah selalu menjagamu bahagia, sehat, dan sukses. Dia akan menjauhkanmu dari setiap pandangan jahat💖💖💖

Amin allahumma amin 🤲

Wooow beautiful wishes here. Talk of dream have you woken from a beautiful dream and was disappointed to find out it was all a dream?

I love food business, I intend to to have a food mall someday….may your wishes and more come to pass

🟩 I want to create a small flood stall

What is a flood stall? The host is your mother? All the best with your achievement! A picture would have made this perfect.


Sorry for the typing mistake Sir @aneukpineung78, i meat to open a food stall where I can sell various kinds of hygienic homemade snacks. No, not my mother if everything going perfectly in life this stall will be hosted by me Inn Sha Allah. When I'm successful in making my dream in reality I'll definitely share this achievement of mine with all of you.

I know, I was kidding. And I am not a Sir, never met the Queen (or is it now King?) yet.

I hope everything goes as planned and better.

Good luck.

Saludos y bendiciones para todos.

No sé si por acá está permitido la participación de un hombre pero el tema me llamo la atención y por acá dejaré mi comentario.

Creo fielmente que la planificación, la visualización y el enfocarse en los objetivos nos lleva a alcanzar cualquier cosa que deseemos, este es un proceso donde la mente imagina, crea eso que deseamos lograr, luego las energías se mueven para que esto ocurra, el corazón se involucra y todo nos lleva a alcanzar la meta planteada, siempre y cuando la Fe esté en ese objetivo, siempre y cuando la seguridad en nosotros mismos sea grande.

Cada año me coloco metas que divido en corto, mediano y largo plazo, cada una posee varias metas, cada una con sus propios objetivos y por consiguiente sus propias dificultades.

Todo esto lo mentalizo y cada día me lo recuerdo, cada día me enfoco en lo que deseo y trabajo en lograrlo, un ejemplo de esto le puedo mencionar regresar a la plataforma, regresar a Steemit y recuperar mi SP, pues debí hacer PD, por lo que mi meta al iniciar Enero fue comenzar, realizar las primeras publicaciones y poder entrar al club5050, esa fue mi meta a corto plazo, así que lo logré, mi meta a mediano plazo es poder tener el tiempo para hacer mínimo 5 publicaciones semanales, en esa meta me encuentro en este momento, me encuentro organizando mis días y así poder lograrla, en este tema también tengo una meta a largo plazo y es llegar a Diciembre con 2000 SP, para ello debo trabajar duro y lograr ganar 1500 SP, no se si lo lograre pero tengo la seguridad que trabajaré duro en ello.

Así como está meta que les acabó de contar tengo otras 5 metas más para este año 2025, con la Fe grande en Dios que todo lo lograré.

Me despido, bendiciones para todos.


Invito a mi bella amiga @isgledysduarte @crisvera @paholags

Estamos alineados, en la plataforma también deseo estar súper más activa haciendo publicaciones diarias, Se que podrás alcanzar hacer esos 1500 SP y hasta más, uff siempre que te has propuesto una meta vas tras ella y la alcanzas.

Saludos y un gran abrazo,

Un millón de gracias por esas palabras de aliento.

We are glad you could stop by even though it was opened to just women. You have told us your plans in short term and long term. Nothing is too hard to achieve if only we set our hearts to it like you said.

You didnt get to tell us your wish for the year, we wanted an avenue in which we can dream and let our minds run wild even if it doesn’t seem viable. What’s life without day dreaming? Meanwhile the contest should be in English language only. Hope you would look out for our rules when next you drop by.

I will be attentive, thanks for reading me.


oh my god what a joy to be a woman) because now I can write comments here. Thus, take part in this interesting competition. It is a little unusual for me that the competition is held within the comments, that is, you do not need to write a full-fledged post. I want to invite authors from my Ukrainian community to participate: @darina14, @strecoza, @soulwind. By the way, these are also women, I was not mistaken in inviting them to participate. Since you, @alexanderpeace, have written in the rules entry only for women!) It turns out funny, in the comments you can communicate with someone, what you think about, share experiences and wishes. And you can also just make it clear with your comment that we exist, we are always happy to meet new people). Have a good mood and pleasant acquaintances to everyone)

Yea in the comment you share it all, it doesn’t have to be in a post form alone. Good comments are as unique as good posts and that’s what we want to achieve.

You didn’t get to share your wishes for the year with us. Hopefully you drop by again and pour it all out. Gracias.

Great to hear you like to join comment contests and there are many more. This one is the newest. I hope it will stay an you dear @olesia start one also. Every community should have one to share and chat.

I wish you a good weekend and good luck.



  ·  last month (edited)

Thank you lady alexanderpeace for this opportunity.

I have only three major plans/goals for this year. Nevertheless, it's great to have our goals set out for the year, it's fine if we write them down and go through them, planning on how to achieve them one after another.

Talking about wishes, there's nothing wrong when we make wishes, it's ok if I wish for a thing, there's no guarantee that your wishes are achievable. But, I just wish mine will be achievable.

  • For this year, I wish I'll land a good job, well paid. Not necessarily government job, maybe from an international organization, maybe the U.N as I have always desired due to my knowledge of International Relations.

  • Secondly, I wish I could just land 10 million grant. That will enable me start up a lucrative businesses as I have always wished: Opening my fashion accessories business then, deeply invest in agro palm business as I have always wanted.

With these, I am sure of a good turnover that will enable my husband and I start up a building project. You may ask why building? Yes, we need to build a house of our own due to the high cost of renting apartments in my city, and the entire country.

I wish my wishes come to reality. Lemme invite my ladies, @realitytrend and @tripple-e @jasminemary

We seem to be thinking in the same line actually. An international jobs isnt a bad idea. I was trying to look up some sites haven’t seen anything on it yet but will keep searching. I dont know if you have heard about the corridor phenomenon. I read about it in a book where when sometimes you start thinking of doing something, somehow things that has to do with that particular things will begin to open up to you gradually. It’s like walking down the corridor and everything you need is in that corridor. Let’s hope your wishes becomes that strongly etched into your kind that it begins to draw your desires to you. As for the grant, you can search for government grants on line and see what you may find.

For the past 9 years, I've been searching, applied for some international jobs but I haven't clicked any yet. Although I gave up sometimes ago and decided to fetch some other thing around, I haven't given up on it still, it's still my wish. Yes, getting grant of such amount is not so common, one could easily find 50k which I've gotten. That's no where close to where I'm going.😂 I hope all of our wishes come true this year, because they're our desires, God can make it come to pass so that our joy will be full.

Thank you for the nice comment and suggestions, this is truly appreciated.



Thank you for inviting me. As things are going right now it is good one has a good job or multiple streams of income. I wish you success.

Thank you for reading, it's appreciated.

My wishes for this new year!!!🤗👍💛💙🇺🇦

My wishes for the year for all authors without exception, first of all, to live above a peaceful sky. Without war, without fear for your future and the future of your children. I also wish everyone health, happiness, the embodiment of dreams and the achievement of goals. Let your desires coincide with your capabilities! So that this year will be generous for all of you with good events. And I also wish the platform itself development, recognition and demand among many social networks. I want to invite authors from my Ukrainian community to participate: @darina14, @strecoza, @soulwind.

Дякую за запрошення. Але я ще не зовсім розумію як приймати участь.

Hola a todas estas hermosas mujeres, Espero sean bendecidas ricamente por nuestro Dios que es el creador de todas las cosas operantes en esta hermosa tierra. Bueno este concurso de comentarios me parece muy interesante sobre todo para nosotras las mujeres a ver ¿Cuáles son mis deseos para el año? Creo firmemente que lo primero que debemos desear es salud, ya que con una buena salud podemos hacer muchas cosas, soy de la que piensa que si Dios nos da salud el resto es añadidura y lo podemos lograr. Las mujeres somos del tamaño del compromiso que se nos presenta, somos madres, hijas, abuelas, trabajamos, etc, cumplimos muchos roles tanto en el hogar como afuera y eso solo lo hace Dios porque humanamente no podemos hacerlos solas. Les deseo a todas esta bella familia de mujeres que tengan salud, que se cuiden, lo demás..ya Dios juntamente con nuestra disposición se encargara de que logremos todo lo que anhela nuestro corazón conforme a su voluntad. Un abrazo para todas. Gracias @leigth por invitarme a comentar. @eli19 y @nissi espero sus comentarios. Bendiciones.

Having good health is a basic necessity as one can have every thing else but if there’s no health, the enjoyment of all these things won’t be there. May we be healthy to have all of our good wishes materialized.

Please note in the rules we asked all comment to be in English. We hope you adhere to that when next you engage with us. Blessings.

Thanks for the comment. I'm sorry I omitted that rule. Thanks anyway. Blessings

Thanks you such dear @alexanderpeace and congratulations to the other winners.

You are welcome . Steem on.

I wish this was for both male and female, I would've applied.

Felicidades a todos !!! Que bueno que alegría 😊

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Muchas felicidades a los seleccionados en esta oportunidad.

Hello, friends, it feels good to be here; I like it when we are asked to talk about our wishes because it gives an avenue to speak out about all we have wished for and kept in mind. Some of which we have set a target towards achieving, while some do not seem visible with your current situation, but you want it so badly, and all you do is keep wishing and hoping it happens.

My wish for this year is to get a new personal car to help me ease up movement and convenience with my daily activities. Though I am not losing hope, even if I don't see it coming sooner than I expect, all I need to do is intensify efforts towards achieving this fit.

Inflation hasn't been friendly in achieving this desire. Just as one plans and makes a budget that runs over a longer period for this purpose, they're undermined by inflationary concerns.

However, I pray for and believe that my wish will come true just as expected.

I invite @kinkyamiee, @blessedbee and @bela90 to participate in this contest

If wishes were horse but sometimes they can become horses there’s no limit to what we can achieve. If you see how I day dream about owning a car especially in this city of Lagos where I live. The nuisance on the road is worthy of having one’s own personal car. Keep wishing and dreaming about it, dreams happens, it may take a while but it would be worth the wait. Thank you for stopping by.

If you use #comment all comments and contests will be found. Try to avoid long hashtags and those no one will use to search.

Ok, noted and Thanks