SEC16 W5: “My... Romeo and Juliet”

in hive-168072 •  6 months ago 


When it comes to marriage there is no perfect marriage the reason why I say so is because the two parties are not perfect and so their marital journey can never be perfect.

Love is a beautiful thing and so it is always good to marry the one you love, I want to write about myself and my partner as my Romeo and Juliet.

I like this song by Jonny Drille so much that I sing it often for my love, he is the love of my life.

So while reading my love story, play the music along to be inspired.

Romeo & Juliet By Jonny Drille

At first I didn't know how I will live with a man in the same the house and be submissive especially my husband because I always doubt his love and it makes me find it difficult to love him when we were dating.

The day he proposed to me, that was the day I started changing all my doubts and I opened up my heart to love him unconditionally. Our love grow stronger each day as we understand the formula of happy marriage.

You care to know?


Well, we live each day reading marriage manual and that helps us to stay happy at all times. On the manual it is written that wives should have deep respect for their husband and husband should in turn love their wives. We use this formula and it is really working for us so much my husband loves me so much and I love him as well.

We are just 2 years in this love journey but I'm satisfied with him, he has all the qualities a married man should have. His unconditional love is much appreciated by his lovely wife.


Not as if we don't have misunderstanding as the matter of fact, there is no marriage without misunderstanding because we are not perfect. We settle our differences and continue playing our love together. Marriage is like a school, we learn everyday and adjust to accommodate each other.

My Romeo is such a nice man I love him for who he is. He helps in chores, he does all the shopping, he assists in cooking most times. When it comes to caring, giving, forgiving, loving he has 100%. He hates to see me sad so he works tireless to be sure nothing makes me sad and I cherish such sacrifices a lot.


Therefore anytime you see a couple married for many years loving each other like no one business please try to get close to them and know how they get that far together. Once you do this you will not only admire them but will want to imitate their success story. I like saying that being in love is a beautiful thing but staying in love is the most beautiful thing I admire so much.


Tips to stay in love

  • Love your spouse as you love yourself
  • Be tolerance
  • Marry your best friend and your love
  • Be willing to learn and adjust
  • Be forgiving
  • Be patience
  • Do not use foul language
  • Be kind
  • Be willing to sacrifice so many things for love
  • Be appreciative

With this and many more you can stay in love forever because you both will get along with together.

I will like to invite @dequeen @cive40 and @mile16 to join this contest.


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MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 in the Steem For Ladies Community.

Hi @eliany

You both are the real-life Romeo and Juliet. The tips you shared are very useful for anyone who loves to know the secret to a blissful, stress-free married life.

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Hi thanks for your review 😊

Estimada amiga. Es bonito como admites que te dió miedo entregarte al amor. Muchos creen que es malo sentir miedo pero la verdad es que quienes sentimos ese miedo es porque sabemos lo que estamos entregando y sabemos que es valioso. Quienes no sienten miedo a enamorarse es porque ven el amor a la ligera . Que Dios continúe bendiciendo tu relación y tu pareja . Éxitos a ambos.

Thank you for sharing your view on this issue I appreciate you. I was really scared because I understand what it means but then I'm happy the journey is going on smoothly. Thank you for your good wishes may it be as you said, we love you 😘 may God also bless your marriage and give you the strength you need to maintain a happy and a successful marriage home.

It's so nice to read your post and you are the practical Juliet while your husband is the Romeo, my dear love is sweet when you are with the right whom you love and gets love back in return, you are very young in the journey but not to worry for I know God's grace is sufficient unto you. I love the tips you shared to help one stay in; be kind, love your spouse as yourself, be tolerance and so on. I wish you success in your marriage and in this challenge

Oh thank you so much I appreciate your nice comments.

There is just one guide to a successful marriage weather one is young in it or not, if you don't apply simple bible principles that guides a successful marriage, you can never be successful. One can live 20 years in marriage but there is no happiness we all pray for a happy home as we all work towards our prayers to make it successful.

You are absolutely right

Si amiga asi es no hay matrimonio perfecto porque son dos personas diferentes pero que se debe de conversar en todo momento para mantener confianza y asi el matrimonio pueda funcionar.

De novios no te sentias segura del amor de tu esposo pero con llegar esa propuesta de matrimonio lo cambio todo para abrir tu corazon a esa persona que hoy te acompaña y formartes tu bella familia.

Consejos que se debem seguir amar como el primer dia, ser sinceros, tener confianza, ser agradecido con ese amor.

Yes that's true I appreciate your nice comments. Definitely a happy home requires what you just mentioned trust, once trust is there then love is sure.

Saya sangat suka dengan kisah cinta yang telah kalian berikan, Pilihan calon suami terasa tepat karena telihat ia memberikan kasih sayang kepada dirimu.
Tips yang telah diberikan juga sangat baik dan bagus karena manfaat dari perbuatan tersebut pastinya berefek kepada kerukunan rumah tangga.

Oh thank you so much for your nice response I really appreciate.

Kisah Romeo dan Juliet adalah kisah cinta yang berakhir tragis dan haru, namun kisah yang anda ceritakan adalah kisah anda bersama suami yang hidup bahagia dan romantis. Semoga hidup anda bersama pasangan selalu bahagia.

Nice update ☺️
Thank you for dropping tips for the singles that's really nice and I hope you guys grow in love. It's amazing to have someone who is genuinely rooting for you actually and I'm glad you two found each other and yes there's no perfect marriage.

Oh yea there is no perfect marriage, I appreciate your nice comments