Tell Your Story #35 Most accomplishment has hard work as their foundation

in hive-168072 •  4 days ago 

It's been five years I left secondary school and I have been hoping to get an admission in a higher institution.

Having written several exams, I never gave up because I have the most supportive parents ever, especially my mum. She would rather forfeit her busy schedules to follow me embark on any exam no matter the distance.

Getting admitted in the university was like a difficult mountain to climb as many influential people will make their way with their resources. I attempted four exams and it was the last one that broke the camel's back.

It was the day for the exam,people were everywhere. My mum came with me to the venue.


I passed effortlessly and my parents and siblings was super proud of me.


During my difficult time, I call it my training stage. I lost many friends reason because they feel I am no longer in their level.

I also experienced emotional trauma,even with my family been supportive, I sometimes,feel am alone. There is an adage that says a person putting a painful shoe know where it hurt.I was lonely, sometimes I don't eat, always thinking.

And some lecturers always take advantage of ladies sexually, knowing fully well we are weaker vessels, I never succumbed to admission pressures. Yes I worked hard.

Even though I didn't attend college for two years due to financial issues, I read everyday for four hours just to cover my curriculum. So that I will have good grades to help me gain admission in the higher institution.

The good news is, I got admission and also ending up being offered my desired course too. Happily getting promotions in level.Getting the admission was not easy at all, we were informed to read the four basic science subjects thoroughly which are physics, biology, english and chemistry as questions will be coming from them.

I passed the entrance exam, we now proceeded to another stage which was the interrogative stage. I was asked questions orally which I answered confidently. Mum was waiting for me in the visitors room when I ran to her that I passed all the stages waiting for their call for admission. And went home happily. Fast forward to another time after six months which one could write another exam to determine your stay in the institution. Jeez medical course is really not for the weak.
The exam was difficult that when our result came out more than thirty students was asked to withdraw. And the goodnews is I passed.

When people around heard it, the news was so shocking to them because most of them even my close friends have already advised me to give bringing up the ideology that am a woman who needs to raise her home early tomorrow and considering the fact that am waiting for a particular course will be time consuming.
I never listened to them.

The truth is now am a replica of hard work. Even to my younger siblings am now their inspiration.
In all these experiences, I learned to remain patient and calm no matter the situation. Sometimes problems are there to weigh your abilities to know if we are weak or strong. Problems can lead to your growth. There are so many but I wish to take a bow.

During these periods, I lost friends, time, money and so on.

My advice to you all is, your goals and aspirations must be reach if hard work is involved.


Never give up, do what the clock does. It moves continuously, it wait for no one.
Never give up because if you do people looking up to you might be disappointed.
And also, Never forget that being patient is a virtue.
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Thank you for sharing, indeed hard work and determination pays! Congratulations....

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