Choices! What will it be? #64

in hive-168072 •  3 days ago 

Assalamualaikum Everyone
This is @nabilanusrat, from #Bangladesh.

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First, I start my speech with respect and love for everyone in this community. Hope everyone is well. Today, I came to participate in the contest
📢📢Choices! What will it be? #64
announced by @patjewell madam on Steem For Ladies. Thanks for organizing such an excellent contest. I am pleased to join this beautiful contest.Among the five topics, Today I chose the first one which is
. I hope everyone will like my writing.
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Student life is a valuable part of human life. Student life is the time of sowing seeds. People have to follow strict rules and practices during this time to build a good life. Student life can be defined in this way - 'The part of a person's life spent in school, college, university or other educational institution for education before entering the family sphere is called student life.' It is true that a wise person is a lifelong student.

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Analyzing the word student, it can be seen that Study with S, Truthfulness with T, Unity with U, Discipline with D, Economy with E, Nationality with N. , Training words are available with T. The word analysis refers to the student's responsibility.

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Student life is the stepping stone to work life. Career largely depends on the success and failure of student life. That is why student life is the best time of a person. At this time, you have to prepare for the struggle of life. If the foundation of the building is not strong, then the building is not strong, similarly, if one does not get proper education, the future life of the people is not well organized and beautiful. This part of life is the beginning. The tree that is planted at this time, the tree gives fruit and shade, so proper care is needed.
In all cases people move forward with a goal in mind. Similarly student life also needs to have a goal. Just as passing the certificate is not the only goal of student life, just getting good results in exams is not the goal of student life. The main goal of student life should be to acquire knowledge. All the closed doors of the human mind are opened through enlightenment. The narrowness of mind is removed and he is entitled to a liberal thinking spirit. And then he can make himself a great person. The pursuit of becoming a humble, helpful, self-reliant, self-confident person is also part of the responsibilities of student life. Achieving the main goals of student life requires hard work and perseverance.

The importance of student life is immense. Because it is at this time that one learns to develop oneself as a real person. Today's students will lead the nation tomorrow. Today's students must acquire proper qualifications through hard work to give qualified leadership to the nation in the coming days. They should develop moral character and prepare themselves for Sadhana. This is what the nation expects from students. So that they can lead the nation in the right direction in the future. This requires hard work. It is everyone's wish that the students will devote themselves to their hard work. Moreover, if one misguides himself in student life, he goes astray. Their behavior shocked everyone.

study is the student's penance. I want this holy word to be awake in the heart of every student. Students are the future leaders of the country and the hope of the nation. The important responsibility of running the country and nation properly will be entrusted to the students in future. So they should be educated in proper education to carry that important responsibility. In student life, it is necessary to devote oneself only to studies, keeping oneself as free as possible from other family activities. It is very important for a student to gather various news of the modern world and acquire knowledge in accordance with it. Just as a student has to learn traditional science, he also has to master modern scientific knowledge. Otherwise it is not possible for him to develop as an ideal citizen.

I am inviting some of my friends:


🍃 Thanks for reading my post so patiently.🍃



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Saludos amiga agradezco mucho la mención, pero tienes mucha razón los estudios son la base fundamental de todo individuo sin ellos no somos nada
Por medio de los estudios no solo aprendemos sino que también podemos obtener grandes trabajos muy bien remunerados, los estudiantes son el futuro de cada nación por eso es muy importante que tengan una buena preparación en sus estudios ya que de ellos depende el futuro de un país
Te deseo mucha suerte en tu participación

Muchas gracias por tan lindo comentario. Tienes razón en que cada paso de la vida estudiantil es muy importante para tener un buen desempeño en la vida futura.

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Word count733
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Thank you for participating in the contest of our community. Best of luck for the contest.

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Thank you for your suggestion..

TEAM 6 : Congratulations!

This post has been curated using steemcurator08. We appreciate your efforts on making quality blogs and post relevant comments. Thank You! 😊


Curated by : @sofian88

Thank you for curating my post..

Oh yes! You are so right. Being a student is one of the stepping stones that prepares us for adult life.
Students should also take their studies seriously, as it costs a lot of money these days to study.

BUT, student life is also exciting and should be enjoyed at all times.

Good luck with the contest!

Yes, you are right student life is also exciting and should always be enjoyed. We miss these days very much later. Thank you for your kind comment after reading my post.

Pleasure! 🎕