Choices! What will it be? #75

in hive-168072 •  3 days ago 

Hello to all of you!

Hope all of you are doing well!

I don't understand whether I should thank god or this team for this because I am getting the opportunity to write on every topic related to my life i.e "Ceiling". In today's time, it has become very easy to get rid of dampness and very few people have to face it, but I have been facing it for the last 20-22 years and I think about it every month.


That maybe now I will get rid of it, but no, I have spent the last 18-19 years in the hope that when my sons will come to work then everything will be fine, but I don't know what is written in my fate, the elder son is not capable of earning anything right now and the younger one has just started earning, so it is not possible right now to get the house repaired, anyway my husband and I are the caretakers of our parents.

I educated my two brothers-in-law and my brother-in-law and also got them married. The marriages of my brother-in-law's children have also begun, so I had to spend a lot on them. By the way, both my sons are of marriageable age, but until the house is in order and the elder son also starts earning something, thinking about marriage makes no sense. I want to tell you how the weather has troubled me.

From my kitchen to the drawing room, there is dampness everywhere. In the kitchen, it is so damp that if you keep anything in the cupboard, everything gets spoiled within two to four days. Once, I kept some things like cinnamon, sugar, salt etc. in an airtight box and thought that things will not get spoiled in it, but not even a week passed. When I took out salt, chilli etc. to put in the spice box, I was surprised that there was water in the salt box. The colour of chilli had turned from red to muddy and the colour of tur dal had turned green. I cried a lot and was very upset. 2 kg of dal in large quantity and things had got spoiled. From that day onwards, I stopped keeping things there.

In those days my fridge was a big double door one so I started keeping all the stuff in it. If someone saw it, they would say that I have made the kitchen cupboard out of the fridge but it is better than getting the stuff spoiled by people's taunts. You will be surprised to read that because of the season, cockroaches have camped everywhere - in my mixer, microwave, tandoor, under the gas, behind the cylinder. Every day I used to prepare tips to avoid them and keep trying to remove them from the kitchen because I was very scared of cockroaches since childhood and today my children have to suffer from these cockroaches.

There is so much dampness in the bedroom too that the condition of clothes, crockery etc. kept in the cupboard built in the door gets spoiled. The condition of clothes is such that if any cloth is not needed for 15-20 days, it becomes tight up to the neck. I don't know how many times I feel like crying after seeing this condition of the house and many times I say a lot of things to my husband too but what can I do, I don't know how much money I can arrange to fix something.

Whatever I have kept in the cupboard built in the door, I don't know how many times I feel like crying and many times I say a lot of things to my husband too but what can I do, I don't know how much money I can arrange to fix something. There is a dampness in the family, God, no one should have to suffer this.

My younger son got some things fixed as per his wish, got tiles installed in the cupboard, spent a lot of money on it, as much as I could, some things got fixed but some things did not get fixed, I don't know what it is, sometimes it seems like it is water, sometimes it seems like it is something else, sometimes it seems like it is termites which keep on spreading, I don't understand which day will come when my house will be free from dampness, I don't know whether I will be alive till then or not, then one day my younger sister came with her family, she was going to leave the next day evening after staying there for the night, in the morning when everyone started bathing, the sisters asked for it.

You brother-in-law asked for the towel, I got tired and started giving it to him from where I had kept it, you cannot imagine my condition, as soon as I picked up the towel, half of it remained stuck to the cupboard and the part which was in my hand was so smiley that I just got upset.

I don't know how many such things I had to face, we also have a room upstairs, whereas in the cupboard in which I had kept the crockery, there were drops of water on the plates, paint was stuck, I started sleeping, I had kept the crockery properly after asking where did this water come from, then I saw that water was dripping from the ceiling on the walls, I was shocked and I also had a lot of argument with my husband on this matter, in the end I pray to God that I get free from the blow of this cold while I am alive and my future daughter-in-law, my grandchildren, my husband's children should not have to face this problem.


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Well, I am glad that this contest gives you the opportunity to write about your life.
I understand all too well that often in life things just get too much for us. It is times like that when we just need to look around us. We have a roof over our heads; we have family that loves us, and yes, we can see and hear them.

Stay positive and keep on praying! That is all we as mothers can do.
Best wishes! 🙏