Choices! What will it be?

in hive-168072 •  7 months ago 

Assalam O alaikum.

Hello my steemit friends i hope you are doing well and enjoying life today i want to share my thoughts a very important topic kindness. Kindness is some thing that can give no matter how small or big it may seem is a gift that does not anything but can mean everything to someone else in this post i talk about what kindness is why is important and how we can practices it in our daily lives.

What is Kindness?

Kindness is the act of being friendly generously and considerates toward others it is about showing care and concern for other peoples well being kindness can be simple as smiling at someone holding the door open for them or offering a helping Hands. It does not require much effort but it can make a huge difference in someones day.

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Why is Kindness Important?

Kindness is important it helps to create better world. When we are kind to others we spread positivity and happiness a simple act of kindness brighten someone day and even change their life. It can help build strong relationships with others when we are kind people are more likely to trust us and feels comfortable around us. This can lead to deeper and more meaningful connections.kindness is not only good for others but also for our selves when we are kind and feel happy and more fulfilled it gives a sense of purpose and satisfaction studies have shown that people who practice kindness regularly and more likely to have better mental health and longer life. This is because kindness reduce stress and increase feelings of joy and contentment.


How to Practice Kindness in Daily Life?

Practice kindness does not require grand gestures. It can be done in small and simple ways every day. Here some ideas on how you can practice kindness in your daily life:

Smile at Others:

A smile is a power ful gestures that can make someone feel notices valued it costs nothing but can mean a lot to someone who might be having a tough day.

Help Someone in Need:

You are see someone struggles offered to help them it could be carrying their groceries giving them directions or simple listening to them when they need to talk.


Said Thank You:

Showing appreciations is a simple way to spread kindness whether its thanking a colleague for their help or showing gratitude to a stranger saying thank you can make a big difference.

Be Patient:

Some times being kind mean patient with others if someone is slow or makes mistake try to be under standing instead of getting angry or frustrates.


Share What You Have:

If you have something extra consider sharing it with someone who might need it. This could be food clothes or even your time and skills.

Compliment Someone:

A genuine compliments boost some ones confidence and make them feel good about themselves it could be simple as tells someone they did a great job or they look nice today.

Forgive Others:

Holds to grudges and anger can harm our well being. Practicing forgiveness is a way of being kind to both ourselves and others it allow to move forward and focus on positive things.

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In conclusion kindness is power ful tool that can make the world a better place it does not requires much but its impact is profound. By practice kindness in our daily lives can created a ripple effect that spreads positivity and happiness to those around us. So lets can strive to be kinder to one another and make the world a brighter place for everyone.
I am inviting friends @aspiya @hahdie @senehasa

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Kindness breeds peace, an essential adornment of the world

This time your choice is kindness, which is essentially polite, empathetic, and thoughtful. Every religion teaches us to be kind to all creatures, not just humans. It positively affects our lives. Good luck.

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Hi, friend!
Your choice "kindness" is actually worth the pick. Kindness is an essential virtue that every human should possess. Kindness has its own feel and believe me when I say that going all out for someone in ways that could seem difficult cones with a different kind of feeling. That there is kindness.
Getting to practice kindness in our everyday life is one thing we should cultivate. Showing kindness to people daily brings about hope, the feeling of being heard and seen and also depression will become minimal.

Your submission is educative. Thank you for the honourable mention. All the best.🥰

Thank you for taking part in this week's contest with the topic "kindness."
You did the topic justice.
Just one thing: always remember to follow all the rules of a contest.
You did not resteem the original contest post.

Best wishes!